
Showing posts from July, 2022

Review; A Witch Hunt in Whitby by Helen Cox

Earlier this year, I read the crime novel A Witch Hunt in Whitby by Helen Cox and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads THE LATEST KITT HARTLEY MYSTERY, SET IN THE HEART OF YORKSHIRE A serial killer is loose in Yorkshire, and has claimed three victims in three months. Thirteen days before each murder, a large purple V is painted on the front door of the victim's house. The victims, all of whom have some association with the occult, are found drained of blood with two red marks on their neck. When RUBY BARNETT comes home one evening to find a large purple V on her front door, it becomes clear she is the so-called Vampire Killer's next victim. Private Investigators KITT HARTLEY and GRACE EDWARDS have just thirteen days to solve the mystery and save Ruby's life. The clock is ticking . . . My Thoughts on the Book It was fun returning to Yorkshire with Kitt and the group. The plot and the story was engaging, especially with the occult and vampire themes. I a

Review; Ribbing and Runes by Nancy Warren

Recently, I read the paranormal cosy mystery Ribbing and Runes by Nancy Warren and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Can a secret runic message lead to murder? There's a lot happening in Cardinal Woolsey's knitting shop in Oxford. Witches, vampires, a knowing cat, romance and murder. Join Lucy and her undead knitting club as they solve another crime. My Thoughts on the Book It was fun returning to Lucy and her group of undead knitters. I love the dynamics between them, and the plot was nicely done. I hope this isn't the end of the series, as I'd love to read more.

Omtale; Slagmark av Roar Ræstad

Tidligere i år leste jeg krimromanen Slagmark av Roar Ræstad og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Krigen er snart over, men det blir bare fred for Gabriel Navarseth om han velger riktig vei ut. Mai 1945. Gabriel Navarseth og forloveden Anna Rhone kjemper seg gjennom det krigsherjede Europa. Hva fikk dem til å forlate Trondheim og legge ut på en livsfarlig reise gjennom Europas slagmarker nå som krigen er så godt som over? Roar Ræstad har levert en imponerende slutt på den storslåtte sagaen om dobbeltagenten Gabriel Navarseth. Mine tanker om boka Selv om jeg kanskje likte de andre bøkene i serien hakket bedre, er ikke Slagmark nødvendigvis en dårlig bok. Det er nok spenning og action til at den er engasjerende, og karakterene har en viss dybde. I tillegg til at forfatteren kan en ting og to om historie, som gjør at det er noe kjekkere å lese for oss som faktisk er historie-interesserte.

Book Tag; Currently Reading Book Tag

I came across the Currently Reading Book Tag over at  The Book Dutchesses and I decided to play along as it looked like a fun book tag. 1. How many books do you usually read at once? I usually just read one at the time. 2. If you’re reading more than one book at a time, how do you decide when to switch to reading the other book? Not relevant, as I usually just read one at the time. 3. Do you ever switch bookmarks while you’re part way through a book? Rarely, and I can't remember the last time I did it. 4. Where do you keep the book you’re currently reading? I place it on my living room table. 5. What time of day do you spend the most time reading? For the most part, I read in the afternoon/evening. 6. How long do you typically read for in one go? On average, it's between three and four hours, sometimes longer if I want to finish a book. 7. Do you read hardcovers with the dust jacket on or off? More often than not, I keep it on. 8. Which position do you mainly use to read? Hal

Omtale; Måneønsket av Helene B. Clamén

For en liten stund siden leste jeg barneboka Måneønsket av Helene B. Clamén og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Jon er en gutt som føler seg annerledes og holder seg mest for seg selv. På skolen blir han erta av Jens. Hjemme blir han mobba av storebroren. Mamma maser. Og pappa bryr seg ikke. Plutselig dukker det opp en mystisk jente som forandrer alt og Jon kastes inn i et nervepirrende eventyr der månen risikerer å gå under. Jakten på en magisk medaljong blir starten på en rekke skumle mysterier. Hvem bor i den hemmelige byen? Hvilken ondskap skjuler seg i den dype ravinen? Og hvorfor må Jon sloss med et livsfarlig sjømonster? Mine tanker om boka Måneønsket er en bok hvor det er lett å følge handlinga, med mye spenning. Den er i tillegg underholdende, og viser at en av og til må hevde seg for å vise at en ikke finner seg i alt.

Top Ten Tuesday; : Books From My Past Seasonal TBR Posts I STILL Haven’t Read

It's Tuesday and perhaps time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was books from my past seasonal TBR posts I STILL haven't read. I can admit that there might be "a few" books I haven't read yet, so this top ten list is just a selection of those books. Anyway, here's my picks. The Conductors by Nicole Glover Criminal Kabbalah: An Intriguing Anthology of Jewish Mystery & Detective Fiction edited by Lawrence W. Raphael Munich by Robert Harris The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman The Memory Wood by Sam Lloyd Lockdown by Peter May Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu Daughters of Frankenstein: Lesbian Mad Scientists edited by Steve Berman Voodoo Dreams by Jewell Parker Rhodes Slay: Stories of the Vampire Noire edited by Nicole Givens Kurtz

Omtale; En afrikaner på Grønland av Téte-Michel Kpomassie

Jeg har innimellom vært på jakt etter bøker jeg kunne bruke til Land i verden-prosjektet mitt. Da jeg kom over boka En afrikaner på Grønland av Téte-Michel Kpomassie, som er fra Togo, endte jeg opp med å lese den. I dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Forfatteren vokser opp i det vestafrikanske landet Togo og er 16 år da han kommer over en bok om Grønland. Han blir bergtatt av historiene om folket som lever i isødet, og 8 år senere står han på dekket til en båt som legger til på Grønlands sørkyst. Forfatteren skildrer tradisjoner og levesett uten europeernes fordommer og dårlige samvittighet, og gir et bilde av grønlandsk dagligliv på 1960-tallet. Mine tanker om boka Det er kanskje enkelte ting i boka som er litt ubehagelig lesing, men det er allikevel en tankevekkende bok, spesielt med tanke på forholdet mellom danskene og de innfødte. Forfatteren får i tillegg frem kontrastene mellom de to gruppene på en fin måte. En afrikaner på Grønland er uansett verdt

Omtale; Forlatte hus og noen av menneskene som bodde i dem av Britt Marie Bye

For en liten stund siden leste jeg gjennom fotoboka Forlatte hus og noen av menneskene som bodde i dem av Britt Marie Bye og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Britt Marie Bye har gjennom nesten 10 år reist Norge på langs og på tvers for å fotografere forlatte hus. 63 av disse husene har fått plass i denne boken. I tillegg til vakre bilder av hus over hele landet, får bokkjøperne også møte menneskene som en gang bodde i husene. Forfatteren har gjort en enorm journalistisk research: Hun har søkt gjennom register og historielag, kommet i kontakt med naboer, arvinger, etterlatte. Hun har funnet frem historier om hvem menneskene som en gang bodde i disse husene var, og hvilke historier de etterlot seg. Det er spennende, rare, triste og fine historier. De korte tekstene har skjønnlitterære kvaliteter, selv om de naturligvis fyller alle kriterier for autentisk gjengivelse av historien. Gjennom kamerablikket til Britt Marie Bye får man se hva som skjer med et hus når mennesket bl

Review; Last Stop Auschwitz: My story of survival from within the camp by Eddy de Wind

A few months ago I read the non-fiction book Last Stop Auschwitz: My story of survival from within the camp by Eddy de Wind and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Eddy de Wind, a Dutch doctor and psychiatrist, was shipped to Auschwitz with his wife Friedel, whom he had met and married at the Westerbork labour camp in the Netherl ands. At Auschwitz, they made it through the brutal selection process and were put to work. Each day, each hour became a battle for survival. For Eddy, this meant negotiating with the volatile guards in the medical barracks. For Friedel, it meant avoiding the Nazis’ barbaric medical experiments. As the end of the war approached and the Russian Army drew closer, the last Nazis fled, taking many prisoners with them, including Friedel. Eddy hid under a pile of old clothes and stayed behind. Finding a notebook and pencil, he began to write with furious energy about his experiences. Last Stop Auschwitz is an extraordinary account of life as a

Let's Talk Bookish; Big Books vs. Short Books: Which Do You Prefer?

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of  Book Nook Bits and the theme of the week was big books vs. short books. Here's the further prompts. Do you prefer to read longer books or shorter books? Does it depend on the genre? Why is that? What are the pros and cons of long books? What about shorter books? What long books do you love? What are some of your favorite short books? Although I prefer shorter books over longer books, I have read quite a few longer books over the years, as it's sometimes a bit depending on the genre. Like, if a fantasy novel is too short, I often feel a lot of the world-building is missing, but it's not fun reading a book that's too long and one feels the author could have left out 150 pages and it wouldn't miss anything (no matter the genre). It's after all an art in telling a story without having any redundant words or sentences. Some of the perks of bigger books is the possibility to dig dee

Book Tag; The Philosophy Of Reading Book Tag

I came across The Philosophy of Reading Book Tag over at  percydoeseverything and decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag to do. 1. What's most important...a good character, plot, or message? A good combination of everything. 2. Should one read books about ideas or opinions they disagree with? Yes, as it can broaden the horizons a bit. That said, I still have Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler on my TBR shelf as I dread to read it. 3. As tech advances, what do you think will be the role of books? Something that should be enjoyed and respected in equal measures. 4. How important are summaries, review, and art in your book choosing? Summaries are the most important, because if the book sounds boring, I'm not going to read it, no matter how much people rave about it. 5. Should one ever skim or scan a book? Personally I don't, but I'm not going to deny other people to do it. 6. Should reading always be enjoyable? Both yes and no. Yes in the sense that reading should for

Omtale; Spiselig hage - alle kan dyrke sin egen mat av Dennis Asbjørnsen

Tidligere i år kjøpte og leste jeg boka Spiselig hage - alle kan dyrke sin egen mat av Dennis Asbjørnsen og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Det å dyrke sin egen mat er en drøm for mange. I hagen til Dennis Asbjørnsen kan nesten alt spises, og han brenner for å vise hvor enkelt og billig det er å dyrke sine egne grønnsaker. Selv kan han høste nesten 60 spiselige vekster i hagen sin. For at du skal komme i gang, starter boken med «Ti enkle ting å dyrke», som salat, hvitløk, tomater, sukkererter og jordbær. Dennis gir deg gode dyrkingsråd og tips enten du satser på kjøkkenhage, drivhus, balkongkasser eller noe på kjøkkenbenken. En egen såkalender gjør det lett å planlegge hagearbeidet. Du blir også kjent med hagens høns og lærer om stell av høner. I Spiselig hage får du alle de små tipsene og rådene som gjør at du vil lykkes med kjøkkenhagen din og kan fråtse i sunne og fargerike grønnsaker. Mine tanker om boka Spiselig hage er en lett forståelig bok med mye informasjon, s

Top Ten Tuesday; Diverse Fantasy Novels

It's Tuesday and perhaps time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl . As it was freebie week in terms of theme, I decided writing a top ten list of diverse fantasy novels. Here's my picks. This Poison Heart by Kalynn Bayron An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir Maiden, Mother, Crone: Fantastical Trans Femmes edited by Gwen Benaway Aru Shah and the End of Time by Roshani Chokshi Never Date a Siren by Byrd Nash Akata Witch by Nedi Okorafor Bayou Magic by Jewell Parker Rhodes Malice by Heather Walter The Deep by Rivers Solomon Cinderella is Dead by Kalynn Bayron

Omtale; Vitne av Immaculée Ilibagiza

I fjor endte jeg opp med å lese biografien Vitne av Immaculée Ilibagiza og med det, kunne jeg krysse av Rwanda i forbindelse med "Land i verden"-prosjektet mitt. I dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget 1994: Rwandas hutupresident dør i en flystyrt, og store grupper hutuer dreper nærmere en million av landets andre folkegruppe, tutsiene. 22-åringen Immaculée Ilibagiza er som tutsi en av dem dødsskvadronene jakter på, men hun klarer seg - etter at hun og syv andre kvinner har gjemt seg tre måneder på et toalett. Boka har vært på New York Times bestselgerliste. En sterk og spennende skildring fra konflikten i Rwanda. Mine tanker om boka Det er en sterk og rørende historie som bare må leses. En kan lese opp og i mente om selve konflikten, men Vitne får frem en personlig historie innunder folkemordet.

Review; Herringbones and Hexes by Nancy Warren

A little while ago I read the paranormal cosy mystery Herringbones and Hexes by Nancy Warren and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads What the hex is going on? Life at Cardinal Woolsey’s knitting and yarn shop is about as smooth as shop owner Lucy’s knitting. In other words, lumpy, tangled and prone to disaster. Much like her spell-casting. But things get worse when her cousin and shop assistant Violet shows alarming symptoms of a hex. Who would do such a thing? Was it the guy from Witch Date she blew off? Or is Lucy the real target? Meanwhile, Lucy’s dating a much older man. Like five hundred years older. The gorgeous vampire Rafe wants to marry her, but there’s more keeping them apart than an age gap. Can they make a May-medieval marriage work? Or will they say goodbye forever. When someone dies, either the hex is to blame or there’s a murderer on the loose in Oxford. My Thoughts on the Book It's fun returning to the series, even though it might be a bit lig

Review; Diamonds and Daggers by Nancy Warren

A little while ago I read Diamonds and Daggers by Nancy Warren and today I'll post my review of the book. Description from Goodreads Missing jewels, a witch's dagger and murder... Just a regular day at Cardinal Woolsey's Knitting and Yarn shop in Oxford. When glamorous vampire Sylvia discovers a movie company is remaking one of her most famous silent films, she's determined to get some creative input and decides to make knitting shop owner Lucy the beneficiary of her estate. Lucy will front for Sylvia in dealing with the movie executives who want to recreate the priceless Cartier jewels made specially for the original movie and still owned by Sylvia. Meanwhile, Lucy's moving along in her witch's training. It's time to choose her own athame, a dagger that she'll use for spells. With all that going on she's barely got time to run a knitting shop, never mind solve another murder. This is book 11 in the Vampire Knitting Club. From a USA Today bestsellin

Review; Lace and Lies by Nancy Warren

Recently, I read the paranormal cosy mystery Lace and Lies Nancy Warren and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Cardinal Woolsey’s Yarn Shop has been chosen to appear on TV Great publicity! Until a murder stops the cameras… Celebrity knitting designer Teddy Lamont is coming to Cardinal Woolsey’s knitting and yarn shop in Oxford to run a special class that will be televised. Lucy Swift can’t wait to host the popular, flamboyant designer and boost her business. But from the first day things go wrong. One student is nothing but trouble on and off camera. When she winds up dead, the publicity Lucy was hoping for turns out to be the wrong kind. Lucy and her band of undead amateur sleuths have to figure out who the killer is before her business winds up dead. Book seven in the best-selling Vampire Knitting Club series can be read on its own, but it’s also fun to read the entire series. You’ll find quirky characters, genuine mysteries, a novice witch and vampires who lo

Book Tag; Book Merch Tag

I came across the Book Merch Tag over at  Sav's Review and decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag. Rules: 1. Mention the creator of the tag(Celine @ Celinelingg ). 2. Mention the blogger who tagged you. 3. You may add your own questions if you want to! 4. Spread the love and tag some people to participate and connect! (There’s no limit in number, so have some fun and just tag!). The Questions: 1. Book Merch that you are dying to have? I would love to have  this Bram Stoker Funko Pop . 2. Let’s say you win a lifetime voucher with only ONE option. Book merch or Books? Books, even though I love book merch. 3. Have you ever tried making your own book merch? I once made a Gryffindor scarf. 4. How do you usually get your book merch? One of my favourite places is Etsy. 5. Mind to share why do you love (or the contrary, not a big fan of ) bookish merch? I love bookish merch as I can show off my love for books. 6. Let’s say you are a book merch addict. What will you do if there

Top Five Wednesday; Cliffhangers

It's Wednesday and perhaps time for a new Top Five Wednesday post, courtesy of the Top Five Wednesday Goodreads group . The theme of the week was books with cliffhangers and I decided focusing on YA fantasy. Here's my five picks. Scales by Amity Green Description from Goodreads Tessa Conley isn’t ready to go back home to Austin when her summer course in London comes to an end. She gets her wish as she steps into a new world of urban fantasy and mystery when she is transformed into a living gargoyle, complete with wings and a tail. Mostly human by day and gargoyle by night, Tessa is not alone in her new world with other gargoyles in the bookstore she now calls home. Bree, her best friend from Austin, is kidnapped and held in the UK. Tessa uncovers the mystery of her birthright, and learns what kind of monster she’s become in order to save her friend... if she can survive the horror her new life holds in store. Splinters by F. J. R. Titchenell and Matt Carter Description from Goo

Top Ten Tuesday; Book Covers That Feel Like Summer

It's Tuesday and perhaps time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was book covers that feel like summer. Here's my picks. Dead on the Vine by Elle Brooke White The Architect's Apprentice by Elif Shafak The Blue Between Sky and Water by Susan Abulhawa The Kingdom of this World by Alejo Carpentier The Girl from the Coast by Pramoedya Ananta Toer The Marriage Bureau for Rich People by Farahad Zama A Daughter's Courage by Renita D'Silva The Stationmaster's Daughter by Kathleen McGurl Fair Isle and Fortunes by Nancy Warren Bag of Bones by Jackie Layton