Night Night, Sleep Tight A Horror Anthology Presented by Enchanted Anthologies Warning - These stories are not for the faint-hearted. This anthology is intended for readers aged 18+. 'When you wake up randomly in the night, there's a good chance someone or something was watching you' A bump in the night wakes you, the jolt just as you're about to sleep could be something much more sinister than you thought, the sound outside your window is much more than a branch knocking in the wind, and no, you didn't imagine that shadow in the corner of your eye... Night Night, Sleep Tight explores the horrific things that happen at night, from sleep paralysis to monsters hiding under the bed. So, Night Night, Sleep Tight, and don't let them get you... Introduction by R. L. Weeks Under my Bed - Erin Lee Butcher's Wife - K. L. Roth Embers and Ashes - Mary Duke Villisca Unraveled by A. Maslo The Pendant by Lorah Jaiyn G