
Showing posts from June, 2018

Monthly Summary; June 2018

I've decided to make a new monthly feature on my blog. In the end of each month I'll write a post on the books I've read and gotten my hands on during said month and I'll start this feature today. Books I've read this month The Quiche and the Dead by Kirsten Weiss The Secret by Katerina Diamond Mørkets testament (The Hush) by John Hart My Crunchy Life by Mia Kerrick The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths Menssmerter (Evening Primrose) by Kopano Matlwa Books I've purchased/been given Harry Potter and the Philisopher's Stane by J. K. Rowling (purchased) The Arrow Chest by Robert Stephen Parry (won at a readathon) You by Caroline Kepnes (purchased) Djevelens rytter (Den siste vikingkonge #2) by Jan Ove Ekeberg (press copy from the publisher) Bjørnejegerskens bekjennelser by Berit Hedemann (press copy from the publisher) Et dødelig mørke (A Dark So Deadly) by Stuart MacBride (press copy from the publisher) June #bookhaul. . . #bookstack #flower

Book Blitz; Cardboard Castles by K. L. Young


Book Blogger Hop; Instagram and Bookish People

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was "Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you only follow book folks?". Book Blogger Hop Even though I have an Instagram account and do follow a good deal of bookish people, I also follow a lot of other accounts as well. As I'm a bit of a history geek, I do love to follow the historians James Holland, Dan Snow and Mike Pavelec. I love my dog. Et innlegg delt av James Holland (@jamesholland1940) Juni 3, 2018 kl. 1:13 PDT Hadleigh Castle. Sitting like a sentry on the north bank of the Thames opposite Queenborough Castle on the south side. Built by Hubert de Burgh after the Barons War, Edward III loved it here, and based himself here a lot during his later reign, traveling to and from London on his royal barge. Et innlegg delt av Dan Snow (@thehistoryguy) Jun

Book Blitz; Kiss of the Royals by Lindsey Duga


Book Blitz; Nightmare of the Clans by Pamela E. Cash


My Favourite... Book Blog To Visit

It's Wednesday and time for a new My Favourite... post, courtesy of  Maureen's Books . The theme of the week is favourite book blog to visit. I enjoy quite a number of book blogs, but one of my favourites are  Paper Fury , especially with all those colourful photos and sometimes hilarious posts.

Release Blitz; Oak Seer by Craig Comer

About Oak Seer Thrust into the public eye as the “Green Lady,” Effie of Glen Coe has become a living legend, the fey woman who saved Scotland from devastation. But to some, she’s a threat to human existence and a traitor to fey-kind. Determined more than ever to forge a peace between fey and humans, Effie finds herself navigating a realm increasingly divided. The lords of London have other plans, and once again Effie is pulled into a quagmire of politics and greed. She must stand against plots to remove her kind from the shores of the empire and madmen who murder fey without regard. Even worse, heinous cults have arisen, enthralled by an unseen enemy. With violent thugs and unruly mobs all around, wits and courage are not enough. Effie must become something more than herself, an Oak Seer, a fey mantle long lost. But can she survive long enough to claim it? Author Bio Craig Comer is the author of the gaslamp fantasy series A FEY MATTER, which includes THE LAIRD OF DUNCAIRN

Top Ten Tuesday; Series I've Given Up On/Don't Plan to Finish

It's Tuesday and time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of  That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was series I've given up on/don't plan to finish. I might add that even though I loved most of the books/series I'm going to mention, it doesn't mean I want to finish them. Feyland by Anthea Sharp Jonathan Harker by Christopher Draven The Daniela Story by Lucina Stone Forests of the Fae by K. Kibbee Shadowside by Michelle Belanger Chronicles of Warshard by Katherine Bogle Jordinia by C. K. Brooke John Shakespeare by Rory Clements The Midnight Agency by Matthew Angelo The Dark Profit Saga by J. Zackary Pike

Review; The Witch Doesn't Burn in this One (Women are some kind of magic #2) by Amanda Lovelace

I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of The Witch Doesn't Burn in this One (Women are some kind of magic #2) by Amanda Lovelace through Netgallery in exchange for an honest review, in which I will post today. Description from Goodreads The witch: supernaturally powerful, inscrutably independent, and now—indestructible. These moving, relatable poems encourage resilience and embolden women to take control of their own stories. Enemies try to judge, oppress, and marginalize her, but the witch doesn’t burn in this one. My Thoughts on the Book What I really enjoyed about this poetry collection is the straight-forwardness and feminist aspect. The poems can be empowering, even those which deals with rape, abuse and other crappy stuff.

Omtale; Jenta uten hud av Mads Peder Nordbo

(Inneholder affiliate linker) I forbindelse med både Literary Voyage Around the World Reading Challenge (Grønland), Library Love Challenge og Cloak and Dagger Mystery Challenge, endte jeg opp med å lese krimromanen  Jenta uten hud  av Mads Peder Nordbo, som jeg lånte på biblioteket. I dag kommer omtalen av romanen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Om ondskap, familier og årsaker til å drepe. Matthew Cave er en dansk journalist i slutten av tjueårene. Han har mistet livsgnisten etter at hans samboer og deres ufødte barn døde i en trafikkulykke. Flukten fra virkeligheten har drevet ham til Nuuk, Grønland. Det eneste sporet han har etter sin amerikanske far, er et tjue år gammelt postkort, som faren sendte fra Thulebasen før han forsvant. Matthew har fått jobb i den lokale avisen, og blir sendt til kanten av innlandsisen for å dekke oppdagelsen av en mumifisert viking. Alt tyder på en verdenssensasjon, og det lille samfunnet holder pusten av spenning. Men kaoset bryter løs da mumien forsvi

Omtale; Charlotte av David Foenkinos

(Dette innlegget inneholder affiliate linker.) For en liten stund tilbake var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av boka  Charlotte av David Foenkinos  fra forlaget og nå kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget «Hun er vant til å skjule skrammene.  Også de ferskeste, de som svir mest.  Hun vet bedre enn noen annen hvordan man tildekker smerten.  Vant til at lidelsene kommer på rekke og rad.»  I denne romanen beskriver David Foenkinos det vakre og tragiske livet til den tysk-jødiske kunstmaleren Charlotte Salomon.  Charlotte vokser opp i Berlin i mellomkrigstiden. Med sitt spesielle kunstneriske talent blir hun 1936 den eneste jøden som får dispensasjon til å gå på Kunstakademiet. Samtidig møter hun sitt livs kjærlighet, den flyktige og ustadige Alfred. Forfølgelse og usikkerhet gjør at Charlotte blir tvunget til å forlate familien og Alfred og flykte til Frankrike. Det er her hun maler historien sin inn i et livsverk på mange hundre malerier, og det er

Book Tour & Giveaway; Magick Run Amok by Sharon Pape

Magick Run Amok An Abracadabra Mystery Book 3 by Sharon Pape Genre: Cozy Paranormal Mystery The answer to whodunit may lie beyond the veil . . . November in upstate New York can be chilly, but Kailyn Wilde’s shop, Abracadabra, is a cozy respite where you can find lotions, potions, and plenty of warm, feline company. But what customers don’t know is that the proprietor has some unusual powers—and unusual friends, including the renowned magician Merlin, who’s been transported into the modern world. All of which comes in handy when there’s a murder to be solved . . . Investigative journalist Ryan Cutler has perished in a car accident in New Camel, and his friend, Travis, suspects foul play—especially when the reporter’s notes reveal a mysterious list of dead men’s names. Kailyn wants to help, but she’s also got her hands full with the curmudgeonly Merlin, who’s not exactly maintaining a low profile. Between keeping the wizard under wraps and mixing up c

Book Tour, Review & Giveaway; Pie Town Mysteries by Kirsten Weiss

The Quiche and the Dead A Pie Town Mystery Book 1 by Kirsten Weiss Genre: Cozy Mystery Is Val's breakfast pie the quiche of death? Owning her own business seemed like pie in the sky to Valentine Harris when she moved to the coastal California town of San Nicholas, expecting to start a new life with her fiancé. Five months—and a broken engagement—later, at least her dream of opening a pie shop has become a reality. But when one of her regulars keels over at the counter while eating a quiche, Val feels like she's living a nightmare. After the police determine the customer was poisoned, business at Pie Town drops faster than a fallen crust. Convinced they’re both suspects, Val's flaky, seventy-something pie crust maker Charlene drags her boss into some amateur sleuthing. At first Val dismisses Charlene’s half-baked hypotheses, but before long the ladies uncover some shady dealings hidden in fog-bound San Nicholas. Now Val must expose the t

My Favourite... Dream

It's Wednesday again and time for a new My Favourite... post, courtesy of  Maureen's Books . The theme of the week was favourite dream. I juggle between two answers; work abroad and get a phd in literature. I want to work abroad to explore the world a bit and the phd in literature is obvious; I'm a bit of a literature geek.

Top Ten Tuesday; Books On My Summer TBR

It's Tuesday, which means it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of  That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was books on my summer TBR. Here is my top ten list; Menssmerter av Kopano Matlwa Høstlandskap i Havana av Leonardo Padura Den polske bokseren av Eduardo Halfon Vi som er annerledes av Veselin Markovic Den fremmede av Albert Camus The Girl From The Coast by Pramoedya Ananta Toer The Motorcycle Diaries by Ernesto 'Che' Guevara Faceless by Amma Darko The Chalk Pit by Elly Griffiths The Secrets of the Lazarus Club by Tony Pollard