
Showing posts from August, 2019

Omtale; Møt meg på museet av Anne Youngson

For noen måneder siden var jeg heldig nok til å motta et leseeksemplar av romanen Møt meg på museet av Anne Youngson fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest boka og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Når Tina Hopgood skriver et brev til en mann hun aldri har møtt, forventer hun ikke et svar. Når Anders Larsen, kurator på Silkeborg museum, svarer, regner heller ikke han med å få brev tilbake. De leter begge etter noe, men de vet det ikke selv ennå. Anders har nettopp mistet kona, og har ikke lenger håp eller drømmer om fremtiden. Tina er fanget i et ekteskap hun ikke kan huske at hun noensinne valgte. Langsomt blomstrer korrespondansen mellom dem, etter hvert som de avdekker for hverandre hvem de er. De forteller hverandre om gleder, frykt og oppdagelser. Men plutselig opphører Tinas brev, og Anders blir dypt fortvilet. Kan deres uventede vennskap overleve? Mine tanker om boka Møt meg på museet er en vemodig, men allikevel hjertevarm roman hvor en blir kjent med Tina og

Omtale; Bonsai av Alejandro Zambra

I fjor var jeg så heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av romanen Bonsai av Alejandro Zambra fra forlaget og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget "De lærte kjapt å lese det samme, tenke likt, skjule forskjellene. Snart opparbeidet de en forfengelig fortrolighet. På den tiden lyktes det Julio og Emilia, inntil videre, å smelte sammen til en slags klump. De var kort sagt lykkelige. Det er det ingen tvil om." En ung mann. En ung kvinne. En bonsai. Alejandro Zambras lille perle av en debut ga ham både den chilenske kritikerprisen og det chilenske kulturrådets pris for beste roman. Bonsai er en stram og usedvanlig historie .- kort, original og humoristisk. Mine tanker om boka Personlig likte jeg skrivestilen i Bonsai - hvordan ikke et eneste ord er overflødig, men at en allikevel føler at en får med seg dybden i historien.

Review; A Birthday Lunch by Martin Walker

A few months ago I was fortunate to recieve a press copy of the short story A Birthday Lunch by Martin Walker through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description of the Short Story When not solving mysteries in his beloved little town of St. Denis, Bruno, the chief of police, likes to cook and share his meals with local guests and dear friend. For his friend Florence’s birthday, Bruno is preparing a surprise. But, like much else in St. Denis, it’s a communal effort, and one that Bruno pulls off with a little help from the countryside and the town. He finds an ancient hand axe in the ground during his morning run with his dog Balzac—it will make a spectacular gift—picks up newspapers for wrapping by the medical center, and gathers fresh nettles from by his chicken coop and thyme from his garden for soup and garnish. It’ll be the perfect day for Bruno and his guests to celebrate their collective history. A Vintage Shorts original. An eboo

Omtale; Du sier, jeg sier av Kaia Dahle Nyhus

Tidligere i år var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av diktsamlinga Du sier, jeg sier av Kaia Dahle Nyhus fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget I denne boka møter vi et ungt par. De deler hverdager sammen, snakker med hverandre, møter hverandres språk. Med hver sin stemme bygger de det som blir deres felles historie. Kaia Dahle Nyhus (f. 1990) er en kjent stemme for barn og unge. Hun debuterte som barnebokforfatter i 2014. Dette er hennes første bok for voksne. Mine tanker om boka Jeg hadde sansen for stilen til diktene, samt det at det var enkelte ting som var lett gjenkjennelig angående forhold. Diktene var nokså lettleste i tillegg, noe som gjorde at det var enda kjekkere.

Top Ten Tuesday; Books I’ve Read That I’d Like In My Personal Library

It's Tuesday and time for another Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of  That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was books I've read that I'd like in my personal library. I've been fortunate enough to read a bunch of interesting books through Netgalley, so my list will contain quite a few titles I've recieved as digital ARC's that I would love to have as a physical copy. My list includes; The Book of Hedge Druidry by Joanna Van Der Hoeven Cold Waters by Debbie Herbert The Winter Loon by Lori Henriksen The Death Chute by Ambrose Stolliker The Lemon Tree Hotel by Rosanna Ley Bed, Breakfast and Beyond by Jo Ann S. Dawson Region 6 by Ian James Krender Dutch Girl: Audrey Hepburn and World War II by Robert Matzen Stasiland by Rolf Richardson With Gratitude by Marala Scott

Omtale; Mat på bålet av Kirsten Winge og Arne Nohr

For en liten stund siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av boka Mat på bålet av Kirsten Winge og Arne Nohr i posten fra forlaget. Jeg leste den kort tid etter og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Denne nye boka er ment som en inspirasjon for alle som vil finne hygge og trivsel rundt bålet. Her finner du en mengde tips for sikker og effektiv bruk av bål og bålglør som varmekilde for matlaging. Boken inneholder 30 matoppskrifter med fremgangsmåte og illustrasjoner. Det er noe for enhver smak, og det presenteres retter av både grønnsaker, frukt, kjøtt, fisk og bakverk. Kokeredskapene spenner fra panne, kjele, gryte og vaffeljern til steiking på skiferhelle. Bruk av kokegrop vises med gode illustrasjoner steg for steg fra du tar spaden fatt til maten er klar. Uerfarne bålfyrere vil finne mange gode råd om valg og organisering av bålplass. Lover, regler og praktiske tips om fyring har sin naturlige plass. De mer erfarne vil gledes over nye kokk

Smakebit på Søndag; A Genuine Fix (Allie Cobb Mystery #2) av J. C. Kenney

Jeg fant ut det var år og dag siden jeg hadde blitt med på Smakebit på Søndag sist, og bestemte meg for at i dag skulle jeg bli med. Denne søndagen er det hos  Betraktninger . Boka jeg skal ta for meg i dag er en bok innen "cosy mystery"-sjangeren som heter A Genuine Fix av J. C. Kenney. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Actually, it was the best of times. Full stop. I turned on the coffee maker and wandered into the living room of my apartment. While the machine gurgled away, I looked out the window. The view from my perch on the second floor was incomparable. On this sunny September morning, I could see from the shops of Washington Boulevard below me all the way to the verdant green woodlands of nearby Green Hills State Park. My tortoiseshell cat, Ursula, better known to one and all as Ursi, bumped her head against my shin and meowed as the aroma of fresh dark roast wafted in from the kitchen. Between an apartment I loved, a job I adored,

Weekend Cooking (Review); Fresh Flavours for the Slow Cooker Reinvent the Slow-Cooked Meal; 77 Mouthwatering Recipes by Nicki Sizemore

Recently I recieved an ARC of the cookbook  Fresh Flavours for the Slow Cooker Reinvent the Slow-Cooked Meal; 77 Mouthwatering Recipes by Nicki Sizemore through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Countless home cooks remain loyal users of their slow cookers for preparing satisfying, low-maintenance meals. But the tried-and-true slow cooker recipe repertoire is about to change, with author Nicki Sizemore’s fresh spin on slow-cooked meals. Fresh Flavors for the Slow Cooker is filled with slow-simmered main dishes, plus 35 recipes for sauces and sides, that replace canned ingredients with fresh vegetables, boost flavour with aromatic herbs and spices and feature a tantalizing array of global tastes in dishes that span the menu. Overnight Pumpkin-Brown Rice Pudding with crunchy pecans is a wholesome, hands-off breakfast treat, Thai Curried Chicken with Rice Noodles gets a spicy kick from curry broth, and Shredded Mole

Book Blogger Hop; How Do I Choose the Next Book to Read?

It's Friday and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was "How do you choose the next book to read?". Book Blogger Hop For me, it's a bit of priority. If I have any library books; Netgalley books or books I need to read for a blog tour, I read them first. After I finish them, I read books for readathons. If I'm totally available and don't have any commitments such as blog tours, library books or Netgalley books I need to return or books for readathons, I use my TBR jar. My method might seem insane to some people, but that's how I do it.

Omtale; Jeg klarer det ikke alene av Kristian Bergquist

For noen få måneder siden var jeg heldig nok til å motta et leseeksemplar av diktsamlinga Jeg klarer det ikke alene av Kristian Bergquist fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest boka og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Hvordan er en best sammen med andre mennesker? Kanskje ved å være alene? Kristian Bergquists nye diktsamling, hans syvende i tallet, trekker litt i den tråden da den liksom spør seg selv: Hvorfor forlater jeg alt, når det siste jeg vil er å bli forlatt? Og hvor kommer tanken på å avslutte fra, når jeg bare vil fortsette som før? I Jeg klarer det ikke alene drar poeten helt bokstavelig til skogen og hytta. Bort fra en befolket verden. For å leve alene. Se på trærne og himmelen. Fange dyra i sin flukt. Lese og skrive. Spise og sove. Bryter litt ny jord. Jeg klarer det ikke alene, sier altså tittelen, samtidig som poeten gjør nettopp det: klarer seg, alene. Men det er likevel ikke en selvmotsigelse. Det er bare en av livets elementære og elendige sannheter: at in

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; What I Read When I'm Not Feeling Well

It's Wednesday and time for a new Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge post, courtesy of  Long and Short Reviews . The topic of the week was what I read when I'm not feeling well. In my case, I often read historical fiction and/or feelgood novels, such as The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George or A Daughter's Courage by Renita D'Silva.

Top Five Tuesday; Dystopian Books

It's Tuesday and time for a new Top Five Tuesday, courtesy of  Bionic Book Worm . The theme of the week was favourite dystopian books. Cinder by Marissa Meyer For the Clan by Archer Kay Leah The MaddAddam Trilogy by Margaret Atwood Silo by Hugh Howey Jennifer Government by Max Barry

Review; The Distance Between High and Low by Kaye Park Hinckley

A few months ago I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the novel The Distance Between High and Low by Kaye Park Hinckley through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads “The Distance Between High and Low” is a Southern Gothic novel about the consequences for two young people who set out to learn the identity of their father. Teenaged twins, Lizzie and Peck live in the house of their widowed grandmother Pearl--a house of history and secrets-- along with their unstable, drug-addicted, artist mother, Lila, and Izear, a half-Cherokee Indian devoted to Pearl who took him into her house many years before. Often with dark humor, the story focuses on the strivings of complex characters in the fictional town of Highlow, Alabama from the 1960’s into the 1980’s. My Thoughts on the Book The Distance Between High and Low was an interesting book to say it the least. Both the plot and the characters were complex and their s

Review; The Dog Who Dared to Dream by Sun-Mi Hwang

(This post contains an affiliate link.) A while ago I read the book  The Dog Who Dared to Dream by Sun-Mi Hwang and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads This is the story of a dog named Scraggly. Born an outsider because of her distinctive appearance, she spends most of her days in the sun-filled yard of her owner's house. Scraggly has dreams and aspirations just like the rest of us. But each winter, dark clouds descend and Scraggly is faced with challenges that she must overcome. Through the clouds and even beyond the gates of her owner's yard lies the possibility of friendship, motherhood and happiness - they are for the taking if Scraggly can just hold on to them, bring them home and build the life she so desperately desires. My Thoughts on the Book The Dog Who Dared to Dream is a heartbreaking and emotional read, but it's a well written book that I would highly recommend.

Weekend Cooking (Review); Pizza! by Pippa Cuthbert and Lindsay Cameron Wilson

Recently, I was fortunate enough to recieve a press copy of the cookbook Pizza! by Pippa Cuthbert and Lindsay Cameron Wilson through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Pizza is a weekly staple dinner simply because it’s delicious, easy, and fun to personalize, no matter your food preference. The ultimate DIY guide to making pizza at home, this recipe book provides more than 70 creative topping and crust ideas from traditional favorites to new flavor combinations that are perfect for meat-lovers, vegetarians, fish fanatics, and the kids! See for yourself all the possibilities and try a new pizza every week with this must-have book! My Thoughts on the Book This cookbook has easy to follow instructions and the book has several sections of recipes, which makes it easy to find whatever recipe you're looking for. If one loves pizza, this is a nice cookbook to have in the collection.

Book Blogger Hop; Do I Read Historical Fiction?

It's Friday, which means it's time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was " Do you read historical fiction? ". Book Blogger Hop I love reading historical fiction and it is one of my favourite genres, aside from crime, thrillers, fantasy and sci-fi.

Omtale; Når jeg drikker av Martin Svedman

For noen måneder siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av diktsamlinga Når jeg drikker av Martin Svedman fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget 11-år gamle Henrik strekker seg ut på badegulvet etter å ha drukket vodka. Han ler, han gråter, han oppdager at han har en begavelse for ekstase. Når han som ung mann begynner på siviløkonomstudiet, har foreldrene til Henrik prøvd å få bukt med alkoholproblemet hans i årevis. Han har vært innom avrusing og hos en rekke fagkyndige. Henrik klarer å la være å drikke en stund. Problemet er at han alltid begynner igjen. Som student treffer Henrik Sofie. Henrik liker at Sofie har sans for tall og kompliserte regnestykker og at hun har peiling på Mozarts pianokonserter. Han elsker at hun drikker like raskt som ham. Men da Henrik og Sofie flytter sammen, endrer Sofie personlighet. Hun slutter å drikke. Når jeg drikker er en diktsamling som tegner et portrett av en alkoholik

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge; Books I Had to Read in School and Didn't Like

It's Wednesday and time for another Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge, courtesy of  Long and Short Reviews . The topic of the week was books I had to read in school and didn't like. I had to read a big number of books while majoring in English. I can't remember them all at the moment, but I do remember disliking Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar and The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot.

Omtale; Jeg vet meg et land av Victoria Bø

For noen måneder siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av romanen Jeg vet meg et land av Victoria Bø fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Jeg vet meg et land er en roman om ønsket om å gjøre det rette, om å finne kjærligheten og sin plass i en tid fylt av usikkerhet og motsetninger.Musikeren Eilif Abelsen kjemper med seg selv og sprengkulda i et mørklagt Oslo. Han vil gjøre noe, yte motstand mot tyskerne. Men hvordan? I den strenge krigsvinteren ser Eilif strimer av lys bare i klaverspillet til studenten Astri og i den forunderlige blåtonen i stemmen til en kvinne han ikke kjenner. Mager og lungesyk finner han likevel viljen til å våge, men hvem kan man stole på i Oslo nå? Eilif må ut av byen og takker ja til å være organist i Valdres. På veien får han med seg en avis, og da han tar imot, kjenner han at det ligger noe inne i den. Det er brev, brev som ikke må komme i feil hender. Dagene er annerledes i bygda,

Announcing the Autumn Reading Challenge

It's soon officially autumn and I've decided to host an informal and laidback autumn-inspired reading challenge from September 1st to November 30th. There will be no pressure from me in doing ALL the categories. You can even combine them, if a book fits into more than one category if you want or read several books for one or more categories. Also, feel free to do some interpretation(s) on the prompt(s), as they are fairly open. The categories are; A spooky novel A book with an autumn-inspired cover (autumnal colours, leaves, pumpkins, apples, etc) A book about a monster A book that takes place during the autumn A book that has autumn or an autumn month in the title A book about nature A book set at school/college/university/academia A non-fiction book "Reporting back" what you've read is not mandatory, only encouraged. Feel free to comment below what you've read, or if you're on Instagram, feel free to use the hashtag #trykksverteautumncha

Review; Yara's Tawari Tree by Yossi Lapid

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of Yara's Tawari Tree by Yossi Lapid at Netgalley. I've read the picture book and today I'll post my review. Description from Netgalley Yara lives with her Mama in the Amazon jungle trying to rescue her beloved but increasingly troubled rainforest home. When Yara falls gravely ill, the forest returns the love and saves Yara’s life. Written in rhyme and featuring vibrant watercolor illustrations by Joanna Pasek, this is the introductory volume to a new picture-book series showing children how all living things on our beautiful planet depend on one another. My Thoughts on the Book It's an absolutely stunning and enchanting picture book with beautiful watercolour illustrations and an important message about deforestation.

Weekend Cooking (Review); The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet, revised and updated: More than 100 Plant-Based Recipes for Vegan Burgers, Fries, and More by Joni Marie Newman

It's time for a new Weekend Cooking post, courtesy of  Beth Fish Reads . Recently I recieved an ARC of the cookbook The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet, revised and updated: More than 100 Plant-Based Recipes for Vegan Burgers, Fries, and More by Joni Marie Newman through Netgalley. I've read it and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Hold on to your buns, the burger revolution has begun! The Best Veggie Burgers on the Planet takes the popular veggie burger to the next level of flavor and fun with more than 100 daringly delicious, internationally inspired vegan burgers—burgers that stack up to any patty around (meat-full or meat-free) and will wow not only your vegetarian and vegan friends, but all the skeptics, too. In this revised edition of the original, you'll find more than 30 new recipes featuring healthier options, fewer processed ingredients, and more whole-food, plant-strong ingredients like jackfruit and aquafaba (plus icons for no adde

Book Blitz; Best Player by Jaqueline Snowe


Book Blogger Hop; What Authors Do I Always Read and Recommend?

It's Friday yet again, which means it's time for another Book Blogger Hop, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was "What authors do you always read and recommend?". Some of the authors include James Holland, S. K. Tremayne, Jan Boris Stene, Yrsa Sigurdardottir, Peter May, Ingar Johnsrud, John Hart, Katerina Diamond and Agatha Christie.

Omtale; Thoron - Jenta fra den grønne øya av Gunhild Haugnes

Tidligere i år var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av den historiske romanen Thoron - Jenta fra den grønne øya av Gunhild Haugnes fra forfatteren. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Thoron vokser opp hos sin hedenske mormor på den irske landsbygda. Lenge er hun uvitende om at hun er datter av den norske kongen Håkon Håkonsson. Som 14-åring seiler hun over havet og møter sin norske familie akkurat idet kampen om kongemakten går inn i den siste dramatiske fasen. Selv må Thoron slåss for kjærligheten, for friheten, for å leve slik hun vil. Samtidig hviler en tung arv på hennes skuldre. Det er noe hun må gjøre for å få sjelefred, noe som strider mot alt hennes far står for. Bli med på en reise til 1200-tallet. Aldri har landet vært så stort, rikt og mektig. Men det er mennene som rår. Mine tanker om boka Siden jeg hadde lest den første boka i serien, gledet jeg meg til denne. Jeg ble ikke skuffet, da den var spenn

Review; Death Rattle (The Guns of Samuel Pritchard #1) by Sean Lynch

A few months ago I was lucky enough to recieve an ARC of the western novel Death Rattle (The Guns of Samuel Pritchard #1) by Sean Lynch through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads From acclaimed author Sean Lynch comes the epic saga of Samuel Pritchard, a young man coming of age in the Civil War, riding tall with the Texas Rangers, and becoming one of the greatest gunfighters of his time . . . THE LEGEND BEGINS In 1863, a teenaged boy fled his home in Atherton, Missouri, to escape the power-hungry men who murdered his father and stole his family's land. He joined the Confederacy under an assumed name and led guerilla raids in the Civil War. Then came a decade as a Texas Ranger. Now, after ten blood-soaked years, he is finally coming home. Finally using his real name. And finally getting revenge against the cold-hearted devils who destroyed his family and his life . . . This is the story of Samuel Pritchard

Top Five Tuesday; Top 5 Books Under 300 Pages

It's Tuesday and probably time for a ew Top Five Tuesday post, courtesy of  Bionic Book Worm . The theme of the week was books under 300 pages. Here's some of my favourites; The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson Animal Farm by George Orwell The Cryptic Lines by Richard Storry The Old Man's Request by Joab Stieglitz Greyfriars Bobby by Eleanor Atkinson

Omtale; Vundersmed: Morrigans kall av Jessica Townsend

Tidligere i år var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av fantasyromanen Vundersmed: Morrigans kall av Jessica Townsend. Jeg leste den kort tid etter og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Fantasi, nye oppdagelser og vennskap venter Morrigan Kråkh når hun flykter fra den dødelige forbannelsen og blir med i det Vunderlige selskap. De lover henne beskyttelse og tilhørighet resten av livet, men Morrigan får ikke den velkomsten hun hadde håpet på. For å gjøre ting verre har Ingenlund gått fra å være en trygg havn til å bli et farlig sted. Medlemmer av det Vunderlige selskap forsvinner, og det er noen som truer Morrigans nye venner og setter de opp mot henne. Og Esra Skrall, den ondeste mannen som noen gang har levd, vil gjøre alt for å lure Morrigan vekk fra det Vunderlige selskap. Morrigan har kanskje overvunnet den dødelige forbannelsen, bestått de farefulle prøvene og blitt med i det Vunderlige selskap, men reisen hennes har bare så vidt begyn

Review; A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD: Embrace Neurodiversity, Live Boldly, and Break Through Barriers by Sari Solden and Michelle Frank

Earlier this year I was lucky enough to recieve an ARC of the non-fiction book A Radical Guide for Women with ADHD: Embrace Neurodiversity, Live Boldly, and Break Through Barriers by Sari Solden and Michelle Frank through Netgalley. I've now read the book and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Live boldly as a woman with ADHD! This radical guide will show you how to cultivate your individual strengths, honor your neurodiversity, and learn to communicate with confidence and clarity. If you are a woman with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), you’ve probably known—all your life—that you’re different. As girls, we learn which behaviors, thinking, learning, and working styles are preferred, which are accepted and tolerated, and which are frowned upon. These preferences are communicated in innumerable ways—from media and books to our first-grade classroom to conversations with our classmates and parents. Over the course of a lifetime, women w

Book Blitz; Mine of Mine by C. F. E. Black


Weekend Cooking (Review); The Pasta Friday Cookbook: Let's Eat Together by Allison Arévalo

As  Beth Fish Reads  hosts the weekly meme Weekend Cooking, I decided to take part this week. Recently I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cookbook The Pasta Friday Cookbook: Let's Eat Together by Allison Arévalo through Netgalley and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Community. Connections. Comfort. 52 pasta recipes. 16 seasonal salads. A year of gathering around the table to share a meal, strengthen bonds, and make memories. Pasta Friday is a weekly pasta tradition that turns neighbors into friends, and friends into family. Restaurateur and food writer Allison Arevalo shows you how to start your own tradition by cooking comforting, delicious pasta dishes to feed your family on a busy weeknight, or for a crowd on the weekend. It’s not about entertaining, but sitting down with family and friends to eat together, and connect over big bowls of cannolicchi with red pepper sauce, pappardelle with slow-cooked pork ragu, trofie with pesto, and mor

Book Blogger Hop; Do I Own More Than One Copy of a Book?

It's Friday and time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was " Do you own more than one copy of a book? ". Book Blogger Hop Yes, I do. I have several editions of both Bram Stoker's Dracula and the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.

Review; The Restless Wave by Sarah Meyrick

A few months ago I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the historical fiction novel The Restless Wave by Sarah Meyrick through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads When Nell comes across an old envelope in a desk drawer, the discovery sets her on a path to uncover a secret dating back to the Second World War. Immensely empathetic, The Restless Wave contrasts the perspectives of Edward, born in Colonial India and later to serve as a military chaplain in the D Day Landings; Hope, a misfit who relinquishes Swinging London for the hippy trail, and Nell, a talented teacher in a deprived area of Oxford. My Thoughts on the Book This is an interesting novel, where the different narrators have their own struggles and they (the characters) are linked to each other. It takes a while before the dots between them are connected, but the historical background (such as D-Day) is obviously researched.