
Showing posts from January, 2019

Monthly Summary; January 2019

It's a saying that goes somewhere in the line of "new year, new possibilities". The first month of 2019 is pretty much over and I've read a few interesting books in addition to recieving a bunch of books as press copies. There is some perks of being a book blogger. Here's the book haul list and the list of books I've read this month. Books I've Read Here Walk the Dead (Boneseeker #2) by Brynn Chapman Klokkemakerens datter by Kate Morton Alle spørsmåls mor by Rebecca Solnit Bønn for Tsjernobyl by Svetlana Aleksijevitsj Kjærlighetens magiske regler by Alice Hoffman Jesperpus by Aina Stormo Hvis jeg forsvinner, ser du meg da? by Kristine Getz Randhav by Lina-Marie Ulvestad Halås Jeg vet ikke helt hva det er by Silje Bergumm Kinsten Raven Dock by Sara Caldwell Mischling by Affinity Konar Den lille bistroen i Bretagne by Nina George Book Haul Laughing All the Way to the Mosque by Zarqa Nawaz (purchased) History of Witchcraft by Lois Martin

Top Five Wednesday; Underrated Crime and Thriller Novels

I came across the  Top 5 Wednesday Group  at Goodreads and I found today's theme to be a freebie. I ended up with five underrated crime and thriller novels with less than 2000 ratings on Goodreads. Here's my picks; Eyes Like Mine by Sheena Kamal The Girl Without Skin by Mads Peder Nordbo Whiteout by Laurel Heidtman The Cryptic Lines by Richard Storry Death by Diploma by Kelley Kaye

Book Blitz; Three Burning Red Runaway Brides by Kevin James Breaux

Three Burning Red Runaway Brides Kevin James Breaux (The Water Kingdom, #3) Publication date: January 14th 2019 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Paranormal Sabrina London is back! The fate of the Elemental Kingdoms rests in the hands of its newest ruler: Sabrina London. When last seen, the fairy princess had made a deal with the King of Filth to save the lives of her friends. Now she is fighting to live the life she wants while trying to save the lives of millions. A monster, more dangerous than any other she has overcome threatens both the human and non-human world. How will she restore the balance? Despite the risks, Sabrina enlists the aid of one of her people’s biggest rivals. She has spun a complex web of lies and deception, now trying to gain her freedom, unaware that everyone she allies with has their own plans. THREE BURNING RED RUNAWAY BRIDES is the action-packed third and final book in The Water Kingdom Series, following TWO POLLUTED BLACK-HEART ROMANCES and ONE SMOKING HOT

Top Ten Tuesday; The Ten Most Recent Additions to My To-Read List

It's Tuesday again, which means it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of  That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was simple enough; the ten most recent additions to my to-read list. Here's my picks; Til siste slutt by Traudl Junge Sovjetistan by Erika Fatland Kvinner under krigen by Siri Walen-Simensen Englebyen - historier fra Beslan by Erika Fatland Kunsten å være kvinne by Caitlin Moran Europas skam - rasister på frammarsj by Lisa Bjurwald The Tale of Beatrix Potter by Margaret Lane Der lyset slipper inn by Lucy Dillon My Heaven and Hell by Ruth Gordon Den lille bistroen i Bretagne by Nina George

Omtale; Kvinner i kamp 150 års kamp for frihet, likhet, søsterskap! av Marta Breen og Jenny Jordahl

Siden jeg tross alt er feminist og har lest blant annet  F-ordet 155 grunner til å være feminist , sa det nesten seg selv at jeg kom til å plukke opp boka Kvinner i kamp 150 års kamp for frihet, likhet, søsterskap! av Marta Breen og Jenny Jordahl. I dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget For 150 år siden levde kvinner og menn svært forskjellige liv. Kvinner fikk ikke stemme ved valg eller tjene egne penger. Det var først da kvinnene begynte å organisere seg at det skjedde endringer. I denne boka forteller forfatter Marta Breen og illustratør Jenny Jordahl om kvinnebevegelsens mange dramatiske kamper. Mine tanker om boka Kvinner i kamp gir en lettfattelig introduksjon til (over) 150 års kvinnekamp med hovedfokus på kvinner som eksemplifiserer kampen og ulike tema, enten det er retten til å stemme eller ta utdanning. Boka passer i tillegg for et stort alderspekter, enten en er tenåring eller voksen.

Book Tour & Giveaway; Natalsa of the Brim by Chad McClendon

Natalsa of the Brim Order of Terima Chronicles Volume 1 by Chad McClendon Genre: Fantasy In a world where witches have been revered, a cataclysmic evening changes everything. Natalsa, the last witch, must find out what has robbed her of her power. But more than this, she must protect the world from the new order that has arisen, and cure a sweeping disease that threatens her new home. There is evil to be undone, and Natalsa may have to sacrifice it all, in order to save those she loves. Goodreads * Amazon Chad McClendon is a 32 year old author who studied English & Creative Writing at Northern Kentucky University. Chad has been published most recently through Crossed Heart, as well as in several online publications. He has won various awards for Fiction Writing. His short story, "Uploaded Vengeance" is now available in "One Night In Salem" by FunDead Publications. Chad attended high school in Alexandria,

Book Tag Saturday; This or That?

I came across the This or That? book tag over at  Book Bastion  and decided to play along as it looked a bit cool. The questions and my answers are; Reading on the Bed or the Couch? I prefer reading on the couch, as it's so much easier to get it "right" with snacks, a hot drink, a blanket and my cat. Male Main Character or Female Main Character? Even though I like both, I'll probably say female main characters, as I have a weak spot for strong women like Xena the Warrior Princess. Sweet Snacks or Salty Snacks while reading? I do have a sweet tooth, so for me it's obviously something sweet. Trilogies or Quartets? I prefer trilogies as they are not too long and not too short. Reading First Person or Third Person POV? It all depends on the genre and the book itself. Reading at Night, or in the Morning? I prefer reading at night, as I find it easier to calm down after a long day with a book. Libraries or Bookstores? I seriously can't choos

Cover Reveal; Smoke and Key by Kelsey Sutton


Book Blitz; Give Me Fever by Jasmine & Arielle Lockhart

I am so excited that GIVE ME FEVER by Jasmine & Arielle Lockhart is available now and that I get to share the news! If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Authors Jasmine & Arielle Lockhart, be sure to check out all the details below. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $500 Amazon GC prize and an ARC of GIVE ME FEVER, courtesy of Jasmine & Arielle. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post. Title:  GIVE ME FEVER  Author:  Jasmine & Arielle Lockhart Pub. Date:  January 15, 2019 Publisher:  Somewhere On A Beach Publishing Formats:  Paperback, eBook Pages:  278 Find it:   Goodreads ,  Amazon ,  B&N Hotter than a fever… Jackson Noveau left behind his Cajun roots to make a better life for him and his new bride in New York City. But his drive for success drove the love of his life away. Six years later, Jackson has the opportunity to take his hot sauce company global. Al

Book Blogger Hop; How Many Books I Read Last Year

It's Friday and time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of  Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer . The question of the week was "How many books did you read last year? Will your goal be to match that number or surpass it?". Book Blogger Hop Last year, I read 170 books and so far this year, my goal is to read roughly 120. Though, I will not complain if I surpass it of course.

Book Tour & Giveaway; Diary of a Sorceress by Ashley Dioses

Diary of a Sorceress by Ashley Dioses Genre: Dark Poetry The young poet Ashley Dioses has already established herself as a leading voice in contemporary weird poetry. Known for her meticulous use of rhyme and meter, her deft melding of the strange and the erotic, and her novel treatments of such age-old themes as the vampire, the witch, and the ghoul, Dioses now gathers the best of her recent poetry into her first collection—a scintillating assemblage of nearly 100 poems short and long, published and unpublished. With this single volume, Ashley Dioses takes her place as a worthy successor to the long line of California Romantics, beginning with Ambrose Bierce, Clark Ashton Smith, and Nora May French, and carrying on with Donald Sidney-Fryer and K. A. Opperman (The Crimson Tome), with whom she has worked closely. Add to Goodreads Amazon * B&N * Hippocampus Press Ashley began writing at the age of 12. Upon discovering the macabre wor

Book Blitz; Plagued Primortus by J. L. Bond and Val Richards


Top Five Wednesday; Top Of My TBR

As I've discovered the January prompts for Top Five Wednesday over at  Goodreads group , I decided to participate in today's prompt, which was top of my TBR. My picks are; Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary For Lovers by Xiaolu Guo Nevermoor - The Trials of Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend Mischling by Affinity Konar Engaged by Dani Hoots

Book Blitz; Stolen by Marlena Frank

I am so excited that STOLEN by Marlena Frank is available now and that I get to share the news! If you haven’t yet heard about this wonderful book by Author Marlena Frank, be sure to check out all the details below. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon Gift Card, International, courtesy of The Parliament House and Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win, enter in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post. Title:  STOLEN (Stolen #1) Author:  Marlena Frank Pub. Date:  January 22, 2019 Publisher:  The Parliament House Formats:  Paperback, eBook Pages:  342 Find it:   Goodreads ,  Amazon ,  B&N ,  iBooks ,  Kobo It’s difficult taking care of a delusional father by yourself. Sixteen-year-old Shaleigh Mallet would rather explore and photograph dilapidated buildings than cater to her father’s dark episodes. But when she’s kidnapped by a creature who carries her atop a flying bicycle into another world, she realizes this wasn’t the e