Book Tag Saturday; This or That?

I came across the This or That? book tag over at Book Bastion and decided to play along as it looked a bit cool.
The questions and my answers are;

Reading on the Bed or the Couch?
I prefer reading on the couch, as it's so much easier to get it "right" with snacks, a hot drink, a blanket and my cat.

Male Main Character or Female Main Character?
Even though I like both, I'll probably say female main characters, as I have a weak spot for strong women like Xena the Warrior Princess.

Sweet Snacks or Salty Snacks while reading?
I do have a sweet tooth, so for me it's obviously something sweet.

Trilogies or Quartets?
I prefer trilogies as they are not too long and not too short.

Reading First Person or Third Person POV?
It all depends on the genre and the book itself.

Reading at Night, or in the Morning?
I prefer reading at night, as I find it easier to calm down after a long day with a book.

Libraries or Bookstores?
I seriously can't choose between libraries and bookstores. I've spent a bunch of time in libraries growing up (and still do), but there's something really nice walking into an indie bookstore or for that matter, a second hand bookstore. It doesn't really help that I've worked both at a library and a couple of bookshops.

Books that make you laugh or cry?
I would probably say books that make me laugh.

Black book covers or white covers?
That one is easy to answer - black book covers.

Character driven or Plot driven?
That would be character driven - it doesn't help how good the plot is, but if the characters are poorly written, the overall impression is bad. On the flip side, well written characters can save a poorly written plot.

I'm not going to tag anyone, but if you want to answer the tag, feel free to do so.


  1. I prefer character-driven books, too. I wish I could read on the couch. I live with a bunch of other people, and if I read on the couch, they’d always be bothering me. I have to lock myself in my bedroom to read.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Nice to see I'm not the only one in terms of character-driven books. I hope you one day will be capable of reading on the couch. I guess I'm a bit lucky as I'm single, childfree and only have a cat? :-P


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