Book Blogger Hop; How Many Books I Read Last Year

It's Friday and time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "How many books did you read last year? Will your goal be to match that number or surpass it?".

Last year, I read 170 books and so far this year, my goal is to read roughly 120. Though, I will not complain if I surpass it of course.


  1. 170 books is amazing! Well done.

  2. Congratulations and good luck for this year!

  3. Awesome!! Good luck with your goal! <3

    My BBH

  4. Great work last year, and good luck for 2019!

  5. Wow, that's a lot! I think I'm the slowest reader here... but the goal is reading right? Well actually it's not but as long as people read that needs to be enough...

    1. Ha, if it is to any comfort, I know I'm a bit extreme. :-P

      Sometimes it's more important that people read than the sheer number of books or what they read (alright, as long as it's not fake news, racist crap etc).

  6. Nice number, I've reached that in past years, but I've found as my nieces get older my reading total goes down. So good and bad?

    1. One can't get everything, but sometimes quality is more important than quantity. Even I can admit that. :-P


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