Top Ten Tuesday; Books I Meant to Read In 2018, but Didn't Get To

It's Tuesday and time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week is books I meant to read in 2018, but didn't get to. It's fair to say I had planned to read a bunch of books and even if I read a susbstantial number of books, I didn't get the chance to read everything that I wanted to.

My picks are;

Urmakeren i Auschwitz by John Donoghue

Effekten av måneskinn på nyfallen snø by Tove Braathen

De tapte barna by Rosanna Ley

Kjærlighetens magiske regler by Alice Hoffman

Bare vente og se by Jelena Botsjorisjvili

Min datters far by Nenad Velickovic

Want You Dead by Peter James

Åte by Daniel Cole

The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson

Ingenlund; Morrigans forbannelse by Jessica Townsend


  1. I hope you enjoy all of these books! They do sound interesting.

    This is my Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. Hopefully I will. I recently started the book by Alice Hoffman and it's a fun read. :-)

  2. Great list, some of these look creepy! Hope you like them when you finally read them!

    1. Thank you. :-) I'm sure I'll like at least a few of them.

  3. The Devil in the White City is one of my favorite nonfiction reads. :)

    Check out my TTT and my ARC review of Enchantée by Gita Trelease

  4. Woo, great list! I spy Alice Hoffman! Here's to hoping you get to these soon and enjoy!

    1. Thanks. I've managed to finally read the one by Alice Hoffman and I really liked it.


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