Book Blogger Hop; What Author Have I Read the Most in the Last Two Years?

It's Friday and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "What author have you read the most in the last two years?".
I'm an eclectic reader, so there's a lot of authors I've read maybe two books of in the last two years, but I've read three by James Holland this spring. He is both an author and historian, so he has written not only non-fiction, but also historical fiction.

He's also a bit interesting to follow on Twitter and Instagram at times, which can be shown underneath.


  1. I'm a bit all over the place with authors too but James Holland sounds interesting.

    1. Good to see I'm not the only one who's all over the place with authors. James Holland is a bit interesting, considering he's almost a bit of a "Jack of all trades"; historian, novelist, TV presenter and founder of a history festival.

  2. I like it when authors can hop between fiction and non-fiction. Peter Ackroyd is another great one for that.

  3. Wow. That's an interesting pastime. And driving a massive tank would be easy, why...? Happy reading!

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Blogger Hop Answer

  4. I completely know what you mean. I try to keep my reading tastes diverse, so I like to explore different authors throughout different genres. Therefore, there isn't necessarily a specific author I've purposely read the most.

    I haven't actually heard of James Holland, but, if that video is anything to go by, he seems interesting to say the least!

    Feel free to check out my own answer if you wish!

    - Charlotte (InkBlottings)

  5. I haven't heard of James Holland. Another new one for me. :)


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