My Favourite... Moment To Write My Reviews

It's Wednesday, which means it's time to write another My Favourite... post thanks to Maureen's Books and the theme of the week was favourite moment to write my reviews.

Personally, I try to write my reviews one or two days after I've finished a book. It's a balace between processing the book so I can write down my thoughts on it, yet keeping my experience fresh. Even though I try to write the reviews relatively quickly after finishing the books, they're not published until a bit later on, depending on my blog schedule. So, let's say I read a book in December, the review may come in January or February, maybe even later.


  1. I like that you take a little time after reading the book to process your thoughts. That sounds like a great plan. I try to write reviews right after I finish the book. But I especially love writing reviews in the morning when everything is still nice and quiet.
    Thanks for joining and sharing your favorite.

  2. I try to write the reviews write after I read the book, but like you, sometimes they may be scheduled to post later. I try to post ARC reviews close to their release date.

    1. I do see why it might be beneficial to write reviews as shortly after finishing the books. :-)

  3. That's also how my blog schedule is set up, too. I was writing reviews in August that I was able to schedule through October and into November. On the other hand, I stink at writing reviews in a timely manner. Since last spring (April-May-ish), I've only written reviews at 4 times, all in large batches (5-8 at a time). Some books I read at the beginning of summer and then I was struggling to write the reviews in August. It seems to be working out, even though I'm not too thrilled with that process.

    1. I know the feeling way too well. I might have been a bit lazy writing some of the reviews (aka waiting too long).

  4. I like to write my within a week of finishing the book. Sadly, sometimes it is weeks before I get to it. And the reviews are often scheduled for later because of the blog schedule.

    1. I know the feeling when it comes to blog schedule.


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