Let's Talk Bookish; Reflecting On My 2021 Reading/Blogging Year

It's the last Friday (and the last day) of 2021 and perhaps time for this year's final Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Eternity Books and Literary Lion. Fittingly enough, the theme of the week was reflecting on my 2021 reading/blogging year.

The writing prompts were as following.
What did you accomplish reading and blogging wise in 2021? What are you most proud of? What are you most disappointed by? If there’s something new you tried in 2021 with your reading or blogging, what was it and how did that turn out? How do you think you’ve grown as a reader/blogger? What would you advise yourself as we look to 2022?
Personally, I didn't get to read as much as I would have liked, mainly due to moving from a rented basement flat to a house that I actually own. Fortunately, I still managed to read over 80 books, so I can't really complain. If anything, moving has at least learned me to relax a bit when it comes to reading and not feeling that I "need" to read every single day in order to play catch-up with the blog. This also gives me a wee bit of wiggle-room, so I can switch things around a bit when needed.

I'm not sure if/how I've grown as a reader and a blogger, aside from being more relaxed, but I've been focusing more on including diverse books than when I began book blogging back in 2012 (yay for celebrating 10 years as a book blogger in July next year). I had originally planned to only review diverse books for next year, but decided it would be too much of a daunting task finding enough books, that I decided to have a mix of "regular" books and diverse books instead.

The main advise I would probably give myself for next year is to have fun with the book blog and just continue to relax. The world doesn't fall apart if I do.


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