Let's Talk Bookish; Illustrations In Books

It's Friday and perhaps it's time for a new Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Eternity Books and Literary Lion. The theme of the week was illustrations in books.

The questions related to the theme were these.
Do you read books with illustrations in them? Do you think illustrations are only for children’s books or graphic novels? Can illustrations work well in adult literature? What are some of your favourite illustrated books?
I can't deny that I occasionally read books with illustrations in them. I also don't think that illustrations are only for children's books or graphic novels, as i think they can work well in adult literature, given the right book and the right illustrations and illustrator. I've got some beautiful editions of some of the classic works by Jules Verne, such as A Journey to the Center of the Earth, that contains some really amazing black and white artwork. Also, as a total Dracula geek, I squealed with joy when I came across an illustrated edition of Dracula, with illustrations by Edward Gorey.

I'm a firm believer that sometimes, illustrations can enhance the story, as well as telling the story in a different, more visual way, so I'm honestly all for it.


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