Top Ten Tuesday; Audio Books I Would Probably Listen To If I Was Into Audio Books

(This post contains affiliate links.)

As it is Tueday again, I think it's time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week was a freebie related to audio books, so I decided to go with audio books I would probably listen to if I was into audio books.

I have nothing against audio books, but as I'm such a fast paced reader, I often feel that the narrator(s) are often too slow paced for my taste. I might add that I do see that audio books does has benefits, like for people with dyslexia or are blind, which means they are still able to enjoy the story without needing to actually read. The relationship between audio books and me, the cliché of "it's not you, it's me" is actually true.

My picks are;


  1. How the Marquis got his coat back does sound interesting.

    This is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. This is a great list. I wonder how long some of these are...I'm imagining that the Dickens is huge!

    1. I have a suspicion that some of them are pretty long. :-)

  3. The Lord of the Rings trilogy would be a pretty exciting thing to listen to in audiobook form.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

  4. I doubt audiobooks will ever become my main way of reading (assuming I don't become blind or something like that) but it's a good way to get more books read. At least for me.

    Some of these would take a long time to listen to!

    1. It's fair to say that there's a reason why I titled this post the way I did.


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