
Showing posts from November, 2021

Omtale; Døden på Slottsfjellet av Glenn Johansen (redaktør)

I fjor kom jeg over novellesamlinga Døden på Slottsfjellet av Glenn Johansen (redaktør), hvor det bare var krimnoveller. Da samlinga hørtes interessant ut, i tillegg til at den ble utgitt av et lite forlag, endte jeg opp med å kjøpe den. Nå har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Som den eneste av sitt slag blader "Årets krim" noen av Norges beste krimforfattere med nye og spennende krimstemmer i en novellesamling som passer like godt i påsken og i sommerferien, som i de mørke høstkveldene. I årets utgave av "Årets krim" finner du 19 spennende noveller. Tretten historier skrevet av veletablerte forfattere, og seks noveller skrevet av vinnerne i LIV Forlags årlige krimnovellekonkurranse. De fleste novellene i samlingen har aldri tidligere vært publisert. Så lukk vinduene, trekk for gardinene, lås døren og sett deg godt til rette. Gjør deg klar til å møte Varg Veum, Svend Foyn, Lensmann Lund og mange flere i Årets Krim 2014, Døden på Sl...

Omtale; Kodeord overlord av Tor Arve Røssland

For et par år siden var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av ungdomsromanen Kodeord overlord av Tor Arve Røssland fra forlaget. Til slutt har jeg lest den og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Henry drømmer om å bli pilot og kjempe mot tyskerne i luften. Men han er for ung, og da bombene faller over London, blir han evakuert til småbyen Effingham. En stor militærleir bygges opp utenfor byen, og Henry og kameratene blir kjent med sersjant Jimmy og mannskapet hans. Guttene føler seg som ekte soldater når de får høre om hemmelige planer og kodeord. Men en morgen arresteres Henry av MI5 - mistenkt for spionasje. Mine tanker om boka Kodeord overlord var en spennende bok, inspirert av virkelige hendelser. Boka forteller om andre verdenskrig på en fin måte og opptakten til D-dagen, den har en dose action, samt den har komplekse og interessante karakterer. Selv om boka er historisk fiksjon, kan den nok allikevel så et lite frø angående interesse for a...

Review; A Spy in the House of Love by Anaïs Nin

A while ago I read A Spy in the House of Love by Anaïs Nin and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Although Anais Nin found in her diaries a profound mode of self-creation and confession, she could not reveal this intimate record of her own experiences during her lifetime. Instead, she turned to fiction, where her stories and novels became artistic "distillations" of her secret diaries. A Spy in the House of Love, whose heroine Sabina is deeply divided between her drive for artistic and sexual expression, on the one hand, and social restrictions and self-created inhibitions, on the other, echoed Nin's personal struggle with sex, love, and emotional fragmentation. Written when Nin's own life was taut with conflicting loyalties, her protagonist Sabina repeatedly asks herself, can one indulge in one's sensual restlessness, the fantasies, the relentless need for adventure without devastating consequences? My Thoughts on the Book A Sp...

Omtale; Trist som faen av Ari Behn

For en stund tilbake leste jeg novellesamlinga Trist som faen av Ari Behn og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget 'Fortellinger' har Ari Behn kalt sitt debutarbeid, og det er nettopp fortellerkunsten som står i fokus i boken Trist som faen. I femten fortellinger av varierende lengde greier Ari Behn, med få setninger og korte riss, å gi leseren den skarpt sette situasjonen som kjennetegner en god fortelling. Mine tanker om boka Trist som faen er en stilistisk og velskrevet novellesamling og et gjennomgangstema er folk som prøver å finne sin plass i en ofte komplisert tilværelse. Novellene er lettleste og såpass korte at det tar ikke lang tid å lese gjennom samlinga.

Let's Talk Bookish; Do You Keep Up With New Releases?

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of  Lterary Lion and Eternity Books . The theme of the week was "Do you keep up with new releases?". Although I keep my eyes open to new and interesting looking books, I do blog about a mix of recently published books and backlog books. Not all recently released books are my cup of tea anyway (same goes for backlog books), but I also don't want to limit myself on how "old" the books are, as I personally don't think books are fresh produce in the same way as vegetables and milk. When it comes down to it, as long as the book sounds interesting, it's a fair chance I'm picking it up, regardless of if it was published last month or ten years ago. That said, I can't deny that I do keep a bit more tabs on new releases now that I'm a book blogger in case I come across some interesting titles, but I'm not one of those who want to limit myself. I'm sure there...

Omtale; Vargtimen av Geir Tangen

Tidligere i år fikk jeg tilsendt et leseeksemplar av krim-romanen Vargtimen av Geir Tangen. Siden jeg hadde litt flyttekaos i fjor høst, fikk jeg ikke lest den før nå og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget VARGTIMEN er første bok i en ny krimserie fra Haugesund med overbetjent Gabriel Fjell og Kripos-etterforsker Aida Ibrahim i hovedrollene. En fjorten år gammel jente blir funnet hengt i skogen. Snart blir det klart at hun har deltatt i et nettspill som er i ferd med å spre seg blant ungdommer i byen. Et spill der den endelige utfordringen er å ta sitt eget liv. Som fersk etterforskningsleder står politioverbetjent Gabriel Fjell overfor et skremmende scenario. Han må finne den som står bak spillet, og enda viktigere: hindre flere ungdommer i å avslutte sitt eget liv. Men hvordan kan han stanse en gjerningsperson som ikke finnes? Og hvordan stoppe et ungt menneske som ønsker å skade seg selv? Mine tanker om boka Vargtimen hadde høyt nok tempo til at den var vanskelig...

Top Five Wednesday; Books I'm Thankful For

It's Wednesday and time for a new Top Five Wednesday post, courtesy of the Goodreads group  with the same name. As it's soon Thanksgiving in the US, the theme of the week was books I'm grateful for. Here's my list. Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen Dracula by Bram Stoker Odd One Out - The Maverick's Guide to Adult ADD by Jennifer Koretsky The Woman in Black by Susan Hill

Review; Murder with Clotted Cream (Daisy's Tea Garden Mystery #5) by Karen Rose Smith

Last year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cosy mystery Murder with Clotted Cream (Daisy's Tea Garden Mystery #5) by Karen Rose Smith through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads A catering job has come in for Daisy's Tea Garden in Pennsylvania's Amish country--but death will be served before dessert . . . Margaret Vaughn has hired Daisy to provide afternoon tea for her theater group. A local girl who left long ago for an acting career in New York, Margaret has returned home--with a multimillionaire husband in tow. But while Daisy bustles around Margaret's historic farmhouse, she senses that there's tension behind the scenes. Then she discovers the hostess on the floor of the pantry--dead and covered with clotted cream. Barely recovered from her previous sleuthing adventure, Daisy joins forces with the former detective she's been dating to help solve the case. Should she cas...

Review; Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits (Mahalia Watkins Soul Food Mystery #4) by A.L. Herbert

Ages ago I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cosy mystery Murder with Honey Ham Biscuits (Mahalia Watkins Soul Food Mystery #4) by A.L. Herbert through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads As the owner of Mahalia's Sweet Tea, Halia Watkins is famous in Maryland's Prince George's County for her down-home cuisine. But when she has the chance to showcase her talents on national TV, she becomes the star of a murder mystery that's too hot to handle! When Halia is invited to serve as a guest judge on the popular cooking competition show Elite Chef, she's delighted to add some extra flavor to the mix. But as filming ramps up in Washington D.C., there are too many fiery personalities in the kitchen. Halia discovers that pulling off her small screen debut unscathed means contending with a longtime competing restaurant owner, an infamously crass hospitality mogul, and a group of cutthroat conte...

#SixForSunday; Favourite Spooky Books

It's Sunday and it's perhaps time for a new #SixForSunday post, courtesy of A Little But A Lot . The theme of the week was favourite spooky books. Here's my picks. The Woman in Black by Susan Hill The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson Small Spaces by Katherine Arden The Legend of Decimus Croome: A Halloween Carol by Kevin Purdy The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova Slash by Hunter Shea

Omtale; Blindtunnel av Tove Alsterdal

I fjor lånte jeg krimromanen Blindtunnel av Tove Alsterdal på biblioteket og i dag kommer omtalen av boka. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Blindtunnel er nominert til Årets beste krimroman i Sverige! Et barnelik i en forlatt tunnel vekker en farlig historie til live. Daniel har mistet jobben og ønsker seg vekk fra livet i Sverige. Sonja går med på å selge rekkehuset og søke drømmen om et annet liv - på en vingård fjernt fra deres gamle hverdag. Gården ligger i Tsjekkia, i området som en gang kaltes Sudetenland og var del av Hitlers rike. Den har stått tom i årtier, vinmarkene er overgrodde. Når Daniel slår opp en gjenmurt vegg i kjelleren, forvandles det nye livsprosjektet til et mareritt. Snart forstår Sonja hvorfor huset mangler speil. Mine tanker om boka Det er ikke alltid like lett å starte på nytt. Det får Daniel og Sonja definitivt erfare. Blindtunnel er fengende, har flere lag som gir dybde, samt fortid og nåtiden henger sammen. I tillegg har en lyst til å vite hva som skj...

Review; From Dill to Dracula: A Romanian Food & Folklore Cookbook by A M Ruggirello

Last year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cookbook From Dill to Dracula: A Romanian Food & Folklore Cookbook by A M Ruggirello through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Romania-a hidden gem of Eastern Europe-is better known for its brush with communism than its cuisine. But, just because it's hidden, doesn't mean it's forgotten. Filled with lush ingredients, many picked fresh from the field, you'll find a traditional Romanian plate loaded to the brim with vegetables and lean proteins, never lacking in flavor. And nestled in those hidden hills and winding landscapes, lies a culture as rich and decadent as their meals. Journey through the countryside with over 80 recipes as unique as the people who have been perfecting them for centuries, all the while learning about the folklore and traditions that have steeped Romania in mystical mystery for so long. My Thoughts on the Book I really...

Announcing the 2022 WWII Reading Challenge

When I looked at my bookshelves, I realised I had quite a few unread non-fiction books about World War II. As a way to kick myself in the rear, I figured out I wanted to read more about that topic next year and why not host a reading challenge so others could participate too? I guess I'm not the only one with an interest in that topic. As with the  2022 Diversity Reading Challenge  I'm hosting, I'll make things fairly easy, no sign-ups required. You're free to read any genres (fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, etc) and in any formats (audio, physical, e-books, etc), as long as the main topic of the book is about WWII. The challenge will run from January 1st 2022 until December 31st 2022. Even if I don't have any sign-ups or anything, feel free to post on Instagram or Twitter, using the hashtag #TrykksverteWW2ReadingChallenge  , as it would be fun to see what you're reading, if you're willing to share. It's perhaps time to go through the shelves in se...

Review; Hanging Falls (Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #6) by Margaret Mizushima

Last year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the crime novel Hanging Falls (Timber Creek K-9 Mystery #6) by Margaret Mizushima through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads Murder stalks the rugged Colorado high country--and sends Mattie Cobb on a quest to uncover the darkest secrets from her past in the sixth gripping installment of Margaret Mizushima's Timber Creek K-9 mysteries A deluge has flooded the high ground near Hanging Falls--but heavy rains aren't the only menace descending on Timber Creek. While on a scouting mission to pinpoint trail damage, officer Mattie Cobb and her K-9 partner Robo stumble upon a body floating at the edge of a lake. Robo catches human scent, which leads to an enigmatic forest-dweller who quickly becomes suspect number one. With help from veterinarian Cole Walker, Mattie identifies the victim, and discovers an odd religious cult whose dress and manners harken back...

Top Ten Tuesday; Books To Read If You Love Nordic Crime Fiction

It's Tuesday and perhaps time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl . The theme of the week was books to read if you love X, so I ended up choosing Nordic crime fiction. Quite a few titles on my list have a Nordic Noir vibe to them, if you're into that stuff. Here's my picks. I Will Miss You Tomorrow by Heine Bakkeid The Legacy by Yrsa Sigurdardottir The Hanging by Lotte and Søren Hammer The Girl Without Skin by Mads Peder Nordbo The Silent Girl by Hjorth & Rosenfeldt The Invisible Man From Salem by Christoffer Carlsson The Last Pilgrim by Gard Sveen I'm Travelling Alone by Samuel Bjørk Midwinter Sacrifice by Mons Kallentoft Requiem by by Geir Tangen

Review; Fresh from Louisiana: Extraordinary Home Cooking from Cajun and Creole Country and Beyond, with More Than 125 Recipes by George Graham

Last year I was fortunate enough to recieve a press copy of the cookbook Fresh from Louisiana: Extraordinary Home Cooking from Cajun and Creole Country and Beyond, with More Than 125 Recipes by George Graham though Netgalley. Although I read it shortly afterwards, I haven't published my review until now. Description from Goodreads Master the art of all the most delectable styles of Louisiana cooking, from Cajun to Creole, Acadiana to down-home New Orleans, in more than 125 easy-to-use recipes. George Graham—a lifelong Louisianan, a former chef and restaurateur, and now an award-winning food writer and blogger—is a brilliant cook, a warm, funny, and engaging storyteller, and an ace photographer. He brings all these talents alive in Louisiana Table, his second cookbook, following on the heels of his masterful Acadiana Table. George makes Louisiana cooking not just easy for home cooks to learn, but fun and interesting, too. The recipes range from George's pitch-perfect versions o...

Review; On Borrowed Crime (A Jane Doe Book Club Mystery #1) by Kate Young

Last year I recieved an ARC of the cosy mystery On Borrowed Crime (A Jane Doe Book Club Mystery #1) by Kate Young through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads A shoe-in read for fans of Ellery Adams and Kate Carlisle, On Borrowed Crime is the first in Kate Young's new Georgia-set, sweet tea filled, Jane Doe Book Club mysteries. The Jane Doe book club enjoys guessing whodunit, but when murder happens in their midst, they discover solving crimes isn't fun and games... Lyla Moody loves her sleepy little town of Sweet Mountain, Georgia. She likes her job as receptionist for her uncle's private investigative firm, her fellow true crime obsessed Jane Doe members are the friends she's always wanted, and her parents just celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. But recently, with her best friend Melanie on vacation, and her ex-boyfriend and horrible cousin becoming an item and moving in next door to her, her...

Omtale: Andre guder av Jørgen Brekke

I fjor var jeg såpass heldig at jeg fikk tilsendt et leseeksemplar av kortromanen Andre guder av Jørgen Brekke fra forlaget. Nå har jeg lest boka og i dag kommer omtalen. Beskrivelse fra forlaget Jonny aner ikke hva som traff ham. Linda må ha trollbundet ham fullstendig. Hvorfor skulle han ellers ha blitt med henne på møtene i en vekkelsesmenighet styrt av den karismatiske predikanten Peter Isaksen? Jonny sluker Isaksens budskap, og Linda flytter snart inn hos ham. Sakte begynner tvilen å gnage i ham. Har Linda noe gående med Isaksen? Sjalusien vokser i Jonny, mens Linda stadig er ute i hemmelige ærender. Relasjonen går inn i en ond sirkel, og utgangen kan aldri bli god. Andre guder er en veldreid spenningsroman som på overraskende vis forteller om grådighet, sjalusi og hevnlyst. Dekalogen er en serie bøker inspirert av De ti bud. Andre guder spiller på det første budet: Du skal ikke ha andre guder enn meg. Mine tanker om boka Det er en tankevekkende spennings-kortroman om hvor lett p...

Review; Midwinter Sacrifice (Malin Fors #1) by Mons Kallentoft

I read the crime novel Midwinter Sacrifice by Mons Kallentoft a while back. Today I'll post my review. Description from Goodreads 'An investigation consists of a mass of voices, the sort you can hear, and the sort you can't. You have to listen to the soundless voices, Malin. That's where the truth is hidden.' The snow covered all the tracks, as the killer knew it would. But it couldn't hide the victim, the man who now hung naked from a lonely tree on a frozen plain. Malin Fors is first on the scene. A thirty-one-year-old single mother, Malin is the most talented and ambitious detective on the Linkoping police force, but also the most unpredictable. She must lead the investigation while keeping her fractured life on the rails. No one knows the identity of the dead man. Or perhaps no one ever wanted to know. When all the voices of the investigation have fallen silent, Malin can rely only on herself and her own instincts. And as she follows in the frigid...

Book Tag; Bookish A-Z Tag

I came across the Bookish A-Z Tag over at  Four Moon Reviews  and I decided to play along. A: Author you've read the most books from I'm honestly not sure, but I've read plenty of books from various crime/mystery authors, such as Gunnar Staalesen, Agatha Christie and Jim Eldridge. B: Best Sequel Ever!!!! A Pretty Folly by Charlie Garratt C: Currently reading The Norwegian translation of We Know You Remember by Tove Alsterdal D: Drink of Choice when Reading Tea or hot chocolate E: E-books or physical books I prefer physical books F: Fictional Character you would have dated in high school Anna from The Ghost Hunter's Daughter by Caroline Flarity G: Glad you gave this book a chance Fifteen Seconds of Normal by Alex Marestaing H: Hidden Gem The Edge of Brilliance by Susan Traugh I: Important moment in your reading life Reading Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block and finding comfort in that I'm not the only one who's LGBT J: Just finished I just finished the Norwegian...