Book Tag; Bookish A-Z Tag

I came across the Bookish A-Z Tag over at Four Moon Reviews and I decided to play along.

A: Author you've read the most books from
I'm honestly not sure, but I've read plenty of books from various crime/mystery authors, such as Gunnar Staalesen, Agatha Christie and Jim Eldridge.

B: Best Sequel Ever!!!!
A Pretty Folly by Charlie Garratt

C: Currently reading
The Norwegian translation of We Know You Remember by Tove Alsterdal

D: Drink of Choice when Reading
Tea or hot chocolate

E: E-books or physical books
I prefer physical books

F: Fictional Character you would have dated in high school
Anna from The Ghost Hunter's Daughter by Caroline Flarity

G: Glad you gave this book a chance
Fifteen Seconds of Normal by Alex Marestaing

H: Hidden Gem
The Edge of Brilliance by Susan Traugh

I: Important moment in your reading life
Reading Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block and finding comfort in that I'm not the only one who's LGBT

J: Just finished
I just finished the Norwegian crime novel "Det sorte fåret" by Jørgen Jæger

K: Kind of book that you won't read
I rarely read self-help books.

L: Longest book you've ever read
Bleak House by Charles Dickens

M: Major book hangover
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova

N: Number of bookcases you own
Currently six, but I know I need more.

O: One Book you've read multiple times
Dracula by Bram Stoker

P: Preferred place to read
On my sofa.

Q: Quote that inspires you/gives you all the feels

How is it possible to not be inspired by this Anne Frank quote?

R: Reading Regret
A Class of Conjuring by Evie WIlde

S: Series you started and need to finish
There's so many, I can't list them all.

T: Three of your all time favorite books
Dracula by Bram Stoker
The Woman in Black by Susan Hill
A Pair of Silver Wings by James Holland

U: Unapologetic Fangirl for
Dracula by Bram Stoker

V: Very Excited for this release
In Every Generation by Kendare Blake

W: Worst Bookish Habit
Buying more books than I have time to read.

X: X Marks the Stop? Start at the top of your bookshelf and pick the 27th book.
Windward Heights by Maryse Condé

Y: Your latest book purchase
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl

Z: Z-Snatcher! The last book that kept you up all night.
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas


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