Book Blogger Hop; What Book Series Would You Like To See Adapted As A Netflix Series?

It's Friday and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "What book series would you like to see adapted as a Netflix series?".

For me, there's several cosy mystery series I would love to see adapted as Netflix series. Here's a few of them.
Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries by Angie Fox
Knit & Nibble Mystery by Peggy Ehrhart
Lighthouse Library Mystery by Eva Gates
Booklovers B&B Mysteries by Victoria Gilbert


  1. Succubus serien til Richelle Mead :)

    Jeg har hverken hørt om Lighthouse Library eller Booklovers B&B. Må sjekkes ut. Nå.

    1. Hadde ikke vært feil med Succubus serien til Richelle Mead heller. :-) Hvis du liker paranormale ting, som jeg antar du gjør siden du nevnte den serien, tror jeg du kanskje vil like Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries, spesielt siden den har litt humor også. :-)

    2. Sjekket ut alle seriene du nevnte - og jeg tror jeg har noen underholdende timer foran meg. Takk for tips :)

  2. I didn't think about cozies, but yes! I think they would make great TV series. I would definitely watch them!

  3. A cozy mystery would be so good as a TV series.

    1. I think so too, as they've got various elements that would draw several people in. :-)


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