Book Tag; The Harry Potter Christmas Tag

I came across The Harry Potter Christmas Tag over at The Book Dutchesses and I decided to play along. It was originally created by Charleigh Writes.

The Rules:
1 – Link back to the creator
2 – You can’t choose any Harry Potter book for any of your answers
3 – Tag however many people you wish
4 – Have fun!

It’s your first Christmas at Hogwarts. What’s one book you’ve asked for this year?
Hollowpox; The Hunt For Morrigan Crow by Jessica Townsend

You spot Hagrid hauling the Christmas tree through the grounds. What is the longest (or heaviest) book you own?
I'm not sure if it's THE longest and heaviest, but one of the bigger ones are The Battle of Britain by James Holland

It’s time for the famous Great Hall feast. What’s one book you can’t read without snacks?
Chocolat by Joanne Harris

Well done, you’ve brewed your first Polyjuice Potion. What’s one book you’d change the cover of?
I'm not quite sure, actually.

You receive a brand new Firebolt for Christmas. What’s one book you read super quickly?
On the Come Up by Angie Thomas

You get hit by one of Fred and George’s flying snowballs. What’s a book you wanted to throw across the room?

The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot

You’ve just visited Hogsmeade for the first time. What’s one popular book you haven’t read yet?
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo

Congratulations, you’ve been invited to the Yule Ball. What book about Christmas do you love?
A Gift From Bob by James Bowen

You find Ron’s deluminator. What’s one book that’s helped you through some dark times?
Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block


  1. This is a cute tag. Hollowpox is on my Christmas list too. Happy holidays! I hope you have a great December.

    1. Thank you. Nice to see I'm not the only one who has Hollowpox on my list. :-) Happy holidays to you too and have a fun December. :-)


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