Top Ten Tuesday; Books That Make Me Hungry

It's Tuesday and time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week was books that makes me hungry.

My picks are;

The Cosy Tea Shop In The Castle by Caroline Roberts

Chocolat by Joanne Harris

The Saffron Trail by Rosanna Ley

The Sweetest Thing by Fiona Shaw

Death by Dumpling by Vivien Chien

Murder with Collard Greens and Hot Sauce by A. L. Herbert

Murder in the Bayou Boneyard by Ellen Byron

Strangled Eggs And Ham by Maddie Day

The Uninvited Corpse by Debra Sennefelder

The Quiche and the Dead by Kirsten Weiss


  1. I have a couple of cozies on my list too!

  2. Well, now I'm craving chocolate and Chinese food. Ha!

    My post .

    1. Chocolate and Chinese food aren't the worst things to crave, I think. :-)

  3. I never read Chocolat, but I saw the movie. That was hunger inducing for sure!

    1. I've seen the movie too and I agree that it's hunger inducing. :-)

  4. I like the cover of The Cosy Teashop in the Castle by Caroline Roberts. I love little teashops! :)
    Here's my Top Ten Tuesday list.

    1. Teashops are so much fun, especially if they're at an interesting location. :-)

  5. Oooh! I love these murder mystery covers! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Thank you. Feel free to check out the mysteries. :-)

  6. These look great! I love a good mystery so I'll have to check some of these out. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.


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