My Favourite... Christmas Read

It's Wednesday and perhaps time for a new My Favourite... post thanks to Maureen's Books. The theme of the week was Christmas read.

As I recently wrote a post about it in relation to Book Blogger Hop, I decided to pick some other books for this post (as there are so many good books).

My picks are; The Christmas Truce: The Place Where Peace Was Found by Hilary Robinson and Martin Impey, Christmas in Noisy Village by Astrid Lindgren and The Tomten and the Fox by Astrid Lindgren.

The Christmas Truce tells about that rather famous Christmas during WW1 and the two books by Astrid Lindgren are classics (at least in my eyes).


  1. I haven't read any of those. Christmas in the Noisy Village looks fun.

  2. Wow.. I haven't read any of those!! I really need to read more Christmas book since I loooooove them and haven't read that many. My Favorite Christmas Read is 'A Winter's Tale' by Carrie Elks. I recently read it and it's amazing.
    Thanks for stopping by and sharing your favorite! ;)

  3. I haven't read any of these! I'll have to check them out! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I haven't heard of any of these either! I have a good list made up for next year. I think I'll get to one more before I have to move on to non-Christmas books for January.


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