Book Tour Grand Finale; Terror by Eamonn Hickson

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
By Eamonn Hickson

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Author Interview

What is your motivation behind Terror? Why did you want to write it?

I want to be a devil’s advocate in one of most topical issues of our time: terror attacks. While I’m not condoning the characters’ beliefs or actions, I want to see what’s on the other side of a terror attack: why do ‘they’ do it? What motivates ‘them’? One man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Most of us see those who do unspeakable acts as terrorists, but to someone they might be heroes. Terror was also inspired by a visit to Belfast in Northern Ireland, where I (as a southerner) got to see both the Catholic and Protestant sides without fear.

Mello & June, It's a Book Thang! - Great Writing Is Dead

Some of my favourite pieces of writing were constructed by the likes of John Milton, Homer and Edgar Allan Poe. Words are magnificent; they can transport our thoughts back to a time long gone, to a world we know almost nothing about, to a world where our modern selves would never fit in. Or would we?

Teatime and Books - Author Interview

Can you tell us about your current work-in-progress?
I’m currently working on the sequel to Terror. While there is a sense of finality for a number of story arcs in Terror, some characters just need more time. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but I think a writer must trust his or her characters when they demand more airtime. The sequel is based in Boston again, for the most part, and will include characters who were affected by the events in the original. Some characters from Terror will still be front and center in the sequel, and we’ll get to see their longer-term reaction to their choices in the original… it’s hard to write about a sequel without throwing in some spoilers!

She reaches for words to say but they’re trapped behind a double-glazed window, visible but untouchable— Robert clasps her wrists. Ally doesn’t resist, and he throws her to the carpeted floor. She lands on all fours and a murder of tingles rush to her hands like demented crows stabbing a finch to death, while the mattress cover unclips from the edge of the bed and becomes a snapping Venus flytrap. Robert throws the piece of paper in front of her face and leaves the bedroom.

It's All About the Romance - I’ve lost control of my character. My bad!

You know how it works: you spend days, weeks or even months deciding on their appearance, memories, experiences, dreams, motivations, fears, desires, hopes… and they give you the middle finger halfway through your novel. If this hasn’t happened to you, can you tell me how you managed to keep a tight rein on your characters.

Wishful Endings - Good V. Evil

Quite some time ago, I visited Northern Ireland and, more specifically, Belfast. Being from the southern part of the Republic of Ireland, I had only heard bits and pieces about ‘The Troubles’ of the 1970s and ‘80s. So, I visited Belfast as an outsider, devoid of any strong views on what’s happened there. I went on a ‘black taxi tour’ through areas which were at the center of the conflict in the past and something dawned on me; the Catholic driver spoke of the events of his youth, how soldiers targeted his family and friends, how one put their life in danger by going down the wrong street, and how every action had a reaction.

"I enjoyed this book. With the title like TERROR, I was expecting more fear and horror – like a horror story – but the suspense and the mysteriousness of it all definitely made for a good read.

If you can follow along with the different characters, the different stories, not always having the backstory right away when you want it – you will enjoy this book. It is definitely one that I think I will read again!"

Nestor leaves the kitchen via the back door, walks around the house and stops in the driveway. His house sits on the corner across the street like an obedient dog. The new paint, the rattling window chimes, the nylon washing line, the new AC unit, the repaired woodwork, the balloon tied to the balustrade, the flank of flowers—they’re all imposters, along with Sarah and the Grinch.

Deal Sharing Aunt - Author Interview

Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?

The plan was to write standalone books. However, that’s changed with my latest release. I feel there’s another story to tell involving some of the characters in this novel and if I were to move onto something different, it’d be a storyline that I wouldn’t be able to seamlessly grasp onto again. So, in short, I’m trying to create connected stories. More on this in a later question.

Colorimetry - Killing Your Darlings

Breaking up is hard to do—and so is killing your favourite characters. I suppose it’s a compliment (from you to you) when there’s a character who is more than just a collection of letters and words and thoughts and actions. A non-existent persona, one conjured up and moulded in a joint collaboration between your brain and fingers, begins to relay messages back, asking you to spare them.

And don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

by Eamonn Hickson
Adult Thriller
Paperback & ebook, 336 pages
April 29th 2017
Have you ever felt that society consciously tries to undermine you?

In a society where everyone strives for growth, where everyone tries to build towards the heavens, there are some who wish to bring it plummeting down.

Terror is a thriller in which three people from different walks of life find a common enemy in the contemporary world. Yet, unlike most, they decide to do something about it.

Following his best friend’s death, military man Milton Haynes is forced to see a psychiatrist while he challenges his dishonourable discharge. Ally Winston, one year after being viciously assaulted, struggles to slot into the life her father has laid out for her, while Nestor Frings returns to Boston to find his parents have sold their home due to financial issues.

The three initially voice their pains through non-violent means, however, they soon find their efforts futile. In a world where outsiders are considered dangerous and are not to be trusted, it will be the insiders who do the damage. Follow Milton, Ally and Nestor as they come to, what they perceive to be, the inevitable conclusion: they must commit a terror attack.

Praise for the Book

“Eamonn Hickson brings the fascinating, dingy, and complex streets of Boston alive in his new novel TERROR, a probing novel of survival in the modern world. TERROR is a masterful portrait of the hard decisions and harder lives that must be lived during a dark time in American history – the present.” — Self-Publishing Review

Reviews of the Author's Other Work

“…a suspense thriller with a fascinating version of heaven versus hell that lingers after closing the pages.”

“Eamonn Hickson writes a vivid story of a war between angels and demons, and Heaven and Hell. The story captivates the audience as you witness deception, lies, and Heavenly Hosts that are working for the enemy.”

“Find yourself enmeshed in a roller coaster ride to a mind-numbing conclusion that will remain with you many a day to come.”

About the Author

Eamonn Hickson is an Irish author of three novels. He currently works as a radio journalist in Tralee, Co Kerry.


Tour Giveaway

1 winner will receive a print copy of TERROR
Open internationally
Ends December 20th

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