Review; The Secrets of the Lazarus Club by Tony Pollard

As a history buff, I do follow Tony Pollard (one of the presenters in the documentary series Nazi Megastructures) on Twitter. I found out he has written the novel The Secrets of the Lazarus Club, so I obviously ended up buying it. As I'm reading and reviewing a bunch of crime novels at the moment, I figured out this was the perfect time to read it.

Description from Goodreads
London, 1857 - A series of mutilated corpses are pulled from the Thames. Young surgeon Dr George Phillips is first consulted, and then suspected, by baffled police...
Meanshile, a secret society meets. This gathering of the finsest minds of the age - Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Charles Babbage, Charles Darwin and others - wish to use their discoveries to change the world...
But there are those who use the club for their own mysterious and dark ends. With his reputation and his life on the line, Dr Phillips must unmask the plotters before they unleash on an unsuspecting world an awesome scientific power...

My Thoughts on the Book
It's fair to say I really enjoyed reading this book. Not only does it have a nice pace with some action here and there, it also has some steampunk elements. As Tony Pollard is a professor in (conflict/battlefield) archaeology, he knows his stuff in terms of history and it shows, whether it's characters, engineering or the Victorian era in general. I also liked his references to Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and how he wrote/portrayed Florence Nightingale in the novel. If one enjoyes quirky crime/mystery novels combined with historical fiction, I would recommend this book.


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