Dewey's Readathon; Closing Survey

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon is now officially over, which means it's time for the closing survey.
  1. What hour was most daunting? As the readathon started at 2 PM here in Norway, I started to struggle at hour 10, so I ended up watching a couple of episodes of Kindred Spirits (one was about Lizzie Borden) before heading to bed. Yes, I have no issues admitting I'm one of those who's into ghosts and ghost hunting.
  2. Tell us ALLLLL the books you read! I finished a book called "Mens gettoen brant" in Norwegian (roughly translated as "While the Ghetto Was Burning") and I started reading "The Dog Who Dared to Dream". I'll finish the latter later today.
  3. What was your favorite snack? Chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon buns.
  4. What was your favorite facet of the day? That this readathon was a bit more lowkey and relaxed.
  5. Wanna volunteer for our next event? Maybe, I haven't decided yet.


  1. Great job! The readathon started at 6 in the morning here. I only read for about 5 hours before distractions got in the way.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks. :-) And five hours are better than nothing. :-)


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