Top Ten Tuesday; Favourite Book Quotes

It's Tuesday yet again, which means it's time for another Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week is favourite book quotes and I will just point out that this is just ten of my favourites, but I've got heaps more.

Here they are;

“By focusing on how women look instead of how we feel and think, society silences our voices. By making us objects of beauty, it takes away our spirits and our souls.”
(Betsy Franco – Things I have to tell you)

"Why do you need a God and a paradise to be happy? Can't you make your own happiness in this world?"
(Émile Zola – Germinal)

“My doctrine is this; that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop and you do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt.”
(Anna Sewell – Black Beauty)

“Every day brings miracles and when you open your heart to that belief, be ready to experience, and enjoy, your own carnival island.”
(Laura Erwin – The Red Shoes)

“Lily believed that the gift of love was everywhere, and available to anyone if they just opened up, accepted it and truly felt it at that present moment.”
(Laura Erwin – The Red Shoes)

“We all empathize with a sleep-deprived mate who comes home from work too tired to talk, but it's harder to grasp that social overstimulation can be just as exhausting.”
(Susan Cain – Quiet)

“That happiness was not found in a man, or in a career, or in any one thing, but in the tiny connections to beauty and meaning woven into the day.”
(Agnes Irene - The Dreams of Youth)

“Have you ever asked yourself, do monsters make war, or does war make monsters?”
(Laini Taylor – Daughter of Smoke and Bone)

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one remembers to switch on the light.”
(J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkaban)

"We must all face the choice between what is right, and what is easy."
(J. K. Rowling – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire)


  1. I'm seeing so much Harry Potter today and it's making me happy. :)

    Here is out Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  2. Love the Harry Potter, DOSAB and Black Beauty quotes!
    My TTT:


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