Let's Talk Bookish; What Is Your Posting Type?

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Eternity Books and Literary Lion. The theme of the week was "What is your posting type?".

In my case, I write and schedule the posts in advance and at the moment I've even started writing and scheduling book reviews and book tags for next year. I'm sure some would call me crazy, but that's how I work. As I publish one post a day, I do enjoy having something written in advance, so I don't need to stress about coughing up something every day, in addition to the fact that it gives me the chance to play around a bit with some themed months occasionally, like in October when it's spooky books, although next year will be a diverse year in general (think BIPOC, LGBT+, etc).

As I got the keys to my new place a few days ago, I do see the benefit of writing and scheduling the posts in advance (months in advance most of the time), as it enables me some flexibility to focus on other things from time to time, such as now when I'm in the middle of unpacking and moving.

That said, it does happen from time to time that I get a "lightbulb moment" and write/schedule a blog post the day before it's published, such as a couple of times when I've published book lists about WWII books the day when Nazi Germany started the invasion of Norway. My blog post schedule does at least give me some flexibility to the fact that I sometimes can move blog posts around in case something comes up, so it's not that rigid, apart from weekly memes like Let's Talk Bookish, Top Ten Tuesday and so on.


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