Book Blogger Hop; Do I Share Books? If So, Do I Have A System?

It's Friday and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Do you share books? If so, do you have a system to keep track of whom you lend books to?".

After I've burned myself on someone who borrowed a few of my books and never returned them, I ended up buying one of those personal library kits from Knock Knock and use them on the books people borrow. It helps me a lot in terms of keeping track of who has some of my books.


  1. Oh My God, those library kits are beautiful! If only my birthday wasn't months away, but it's going on the list regardless. There's nothing worse than trusting someone with your books and not getting them back; thankfully all my friends have been very reliable so far! I hope you have a lovely weekend and do drop by my Friday Post if you have the time! - Juli @ A Universe in Words

  2. I only lend to family because then I don't have to worry about being rude and demanding they return the book to me!


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