Top Ten Tuesday; Changes In My Reading Life

It's Tuesday yet again and time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week was changes in my reading life.

Here's my list;
Using Netgalley so I can read lots of fun new releases in English
Going down the rabbit hole of cosy mysteries and loving it
Being more aware of diversity and trying to read and review some books on my blog in regards to that
The last few months I've basically read one book a day
I've actually read a few contemporary romances (not quite won over yet, though)
The more recent years I've loved doing reading challenges
Doing some themed reading some months for the blog
I've considered stopping reviewing ARC's/press copies recently due to the new rules for Norwegian book bloggers (we're supposed to mark reviews with books recieved from publishers as "ads", even if we recieved the book for free)
Realizing that I have 200+ books on my TBR shelves and that should be reason enough to not get any more books, regardless of whether or not they're ARC's/press copies or purchased
Reading even more eclectic than before, even if I had a pretty eclectic taste before


  1. I feel the same way about contemporary romances.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  2. Wow, you've been reading a lot lately!

    My TTT.

    1. I can't deny I've been a bit extreme on that point.


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