Smakebit på Søndag; Hood Academy av Shelley Wilson

Det er på tide med en ny Smakebit på Søndag, som blir drevet av Betraktninger og Flukten fra virkeligheten.

I dag skal jeg ta for meg romanen Hood Academy av Shelley Wilson, som jeg har fått tak i via Netgalley og har lest nå nylig. Den kommer egentlig ikke ut før i oktober og den omhandler blant annet varulver, varulvjegere og en jente som blir sendt på en spesiell skole etter faren hennes blir drept.

Her er i hvert fall smakebiten.
"The blue flashing lights pulsed through the fractured front window, illuminating the blood splatter on the walls. The click-click of the forensic team's camera ate into the sterile silence as the officers combed through the living room.
Like something out of a macabre horror show the blood covered everything, coating the threadbare rug in front of the fireplace with its crimson wash. The splintered remains of the coffee table littered the overturned chair, and the smell of death clung to the walls. 
I lifted my eyes to look at the police officer who knelt in front of me, his face a mask of professionalism even though he must be wishing he was anywhere but here. 
'Did you see who killed your dad?' I slowly shook my head as the officer tried to determine what had happened. 
'Someone tried to kill you, miss. I want to help. Did you see who broke in and attacked you?' 
I couldn't answer. The words were stuck in my throat. How could I tell him that my dad was the one who tried to kill me and that a wolf had jumped through the window and ripped out his throat? Who would believe me?"


  1. Verkar ju som en riktigt spännande bok, häftigt bokomslag också. Tack för smakbiten!

  2. Varulvar är inte riktigt min grej. Tack för smakbiten!

  3. Vilken snygging till varg på omslaget, andra vargar hoppar jag nog över. Tack för smakbit

    1. Vi kan i hvert fall være enige om at ekte ulver er vakre. :-)

  4. Det låter som en bra bok, av smakbiten att döma!

  5. Tack för smakbiten. Jag brukar inte gilla att läsa om varulvar, vet inte riktigt varför...

    1. Vær så god. Men jeg kan se at varulver ikke er for alle. :-)


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