Book Tag Saturday; The Autumn Book Tag

I came across The Autumn Book Tag over at The Book Dutchesses and I decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag.

What is your favorite thing about Autumn?
Apart from colder weather and the excuse to wear knitted items, I love the colours and the possibility of snuggling up inside with a blanket, a cup of hot chocolate and a good book. I can admit that autumn is my favourite season of them all, so I do love "everything autumn" really.

What book reminds you of your school days?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling

What cover reminds you of Autumn?
A cover that certainly reminds me of autumn is The Charm of Lost Chances by Lucia N. Davis

What is your favorite horror or Halloween story?
Dracula by Bram Stoker, what else? :-P

What is your favorite horror or Halloween movie?
I'm going to say two; Beetlejuice and The Addams Family Values.

What autumn book release are you looking forward to?
The Grave Digger by Rebecca Bischoff

What autumn movie release are you anticipating?
The new movie adaption of the horror/suspense novel "De Dødes Tjern" by Bernhard Borge/André Bjerke.

What are three books you plan to read this autumn?
There's a bunch of them, one of them are Buried in the Stacks by Allison Brook.


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