Book Blogger Hop; Loving Library Books and Buying My Own Copy

It's Friday, which means it's time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question this week was "Have you ever read a library book you loved SO much, you just HAD to own it, so you bought a copy for yourself after returning the library book you had already finished?".
It has happened several times, so many to the extent that I can't recall all the titles.


  1. I'm ashamed to say that I can’t remember the last time I actually visited my local library to borrow a book (I've been for art exhibitions I the upstairs gallery and used the reference books in the non-lending section). 😦 They just didn’t hold any books in my favourite genre; paranormal romance. Then I got my Kindle and haven’t looked back.

    I hope you enjoy your weekend, Kristin. Here's my BBH Post
    Flora x

    1. If it is to any comfort, my local library doesn't have that many books in English, so I sometimes need to buy them or go to a different library.


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