Book Tag Saturday; The Spooky "Would You Rather" Tag
It's time to combine several things I enjoy; spooky stuff, books and book tags. I came across The Spooky "Would You Rather" tag over at Howling Libraries, but it was originally made by The Book Pusher.
Now, time to answer the questions.
1. Thriller or supernatural?
Even though I enjoy both, I would have to say supernatural.

2. Ghosts or zombies?
I love a good ghost story.

3. Vampires or werewolves?
As Dracula is one of my all time favourite books, I have to say vampires.
4. Witches or demons?
I love both, but a well written book about demons can be the scariest.

5. Would you rather read a book with 13 chapters, or a book with a black cat on the cover?
I wouldn't mind either one, but as I'm a huge animal lover, I would probably fall for a book with a black cat on the cover.

6. Would you rather read a spooky book in the dark with only a candle for light, or by yourself in a locked brightly lit room?
Spooky book in the dark with only a candle, please.

7. Would you rather face your worst fears, or be trapped in the mind of a killer?
If I had to pick, I would probably go for being trapped in the mind of a killer.

8. Would you rather watch a scary movie or read a scary book?
I totally love both, but I would probably read a scary book as it's a chance it would creep me out more in the long run. I might jump there and then while watching a scary movie, but there is something more chilling about imagining stuff in your head while reading a book.
That being said, I've read some many scary books and watched so many horror movies, I'm partially immune. So if I happen to say a book or a movie is scary, it probably is.

9. Would you rather read spooky books during the fall time or all year?
Even though I'm more inclined to read spooky books during the autumn, I do read them all year around.

10. Would you rather read 10 spooky books in October or 10 spooky books all year?
If I HAD to pick, it would be 10 spooky books in October.

If you want to answer this tag, feel free to do it.
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