Book Blogger Hop; What Would I Give as a Birthday Gift to a Fellow Book Lover?

It's Friday again and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "What would you give as a birthday gift to a fellow book lover?".
It all really depends on that particular book lover. For instance, I have given a friend of mine books and some tasty hot chocolate as Christmas gifts (she's into crime fiction, so the books I gave her has been in that genre). Other ideas could be bookish candles/totebags or bookmarks.


  1. Perfect ideas! You've given me some ideas for Christmas. A book and hot chocolate . . . Or coffee or tea if they prefer. Personally, I'm a hot chocolate person. :-) Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. You're welcome. :-) And it's always nice with hot chocolate.


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