Book Blogger Hop; Collaborating with Brands

It's Friday and time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Do you do collaborations with brands or other bloggers? Which collaboration was your favourite and why?".
The closest thing I come to collaborations are being on Netgallery and being in the affilate program to various places like The Book Depository. The fun about Netgallery is the possibility to get my hands on some interesting books, while with The Book Depository, I do recieve 5% if someone purchase anything from the links/banners I use.

I might add that I also collaborate with authors, publishers and blog tour hosts in addition to participating in Mystery Thriller Week, which is really fun.


  1. I collaborate with authors, publishers, studios, and a few companies.

  2. Ah, yes, I have The Book Depository affiliation too, and I love all the amazing books I get to read through NetGalley.


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