Book Blogger Hop; Book Subscription Boxes

It's Friday again and time for another Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Do you subscribe to any book subscription boxes?".

I just recently started a 6 month subscription on the Blind Date with a Book Club and I'm really excited recieving the first book later this month. Considering international shipping, I don't think it's too bad paying £70 in total for a six month subscription, considering I will recieve six books. To put in in perspective, it's more or less the cost of two brand new hardbacks here in Norway, and maybe a paperback on discount if I'm lucky.


  1. I've never head of this subscription box before today. You'll have to keep everyone updated when you receive your first box.

  2. This one sounds kind of interesting. Definitely intrigued to see how it works out for you. Hope you have a great weekend. - Katie

    1. Hopefully it will work out fine, especially since we can choose the genres. Have a great weekend you too. :-)

  3. This sounds interesting and the price is definitely good! I've always been curious to see what kind of books I'd get with a blind date with a book!

    1. The price was part of why I dared to order a subscription. :-)

  4. That price doesn't sound too bad. I hope you'll enjoy the first book when it comes.

    1. £70 isn't too bad for six books, especially considering the prices for books in Norway. :-P Hopefully I'll enjoy the books. :-)


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