Book Blogger Hop; Instagram and Bookish People

It's Friday and perhaps time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Do you have an Instagram account? If so, do you only follow book folks?".

Even though I have an Instagram account and do follow a good deal of bookish people, I also follow a lot of other accounts as well. As I'm a bit of a history geek, I do love to follow the historians James Holland, Dan Snow and Mike Pavelec.

Et innlegg delt av James Holland (@jamesholland1940)

Et innlegg delt av Mike Pavelec (@historymike)


  1. Oh yay, I am the lucky first commenter! I sadly don't have an Instagram and you can safely say that I am pre-historic and belongs with the dinosaurs. But if I ever have to make an account, I would only be following book folks. :)

    1. Ha. Well, if it's to any comfort, Instagram can be a bit time consuming at times. :-P

  2. Diversifying your Instagram feed is always good. :)


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