Dewey's Readathon; Closing Survey

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon is officially over and that means it's time for answering the closing survey.

1. Which hour was most daunting for you? I really struggled during Hour 10, as it started to get a bit late in the evening, so I basically gave up.
2. Tell us ALLLLL the books you read! I managed to finish the non-fiction book "Okkupert" by Bjørn Are Godøy, which was about Norway during the Nazi occupation in WW2 and the novella "The Charm of Lost Chances" by Lucia N. Davis.
3. Which books would you recommend to other Read-a-thoners? I would recommend both, but if you're going to read the latter one, I think it's for the best to read "The Baby On The Back Porch" first.
4. What’s a really rad thing we could do during the next Read-a-thon that would make you happy? I really liked that the mini-challenges were available throughout the entire readathon. It makes it a lot easier to join the challenges whenever we want to, instead of missing out on some if we're so tired we need to sleep.
5. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? Would you be interested in volunteering to help organize and prep? As I've lost count on how many times I've participated in Dewey's Readathon, I'm sure I'll join again.


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