Book Tag; Ringing in the New Year Tag

I came across the Ringing in the New Year Tag over at Lala's Book Reviews and I decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag.

Link the person who tagged you!
Link the creator of the tag: Bookmark Chronicles!
Answer the questions!
Tag some friends!

The Questions:

Best Book And/ Or Series That You’ve Read in 2022?
One of several favourite reads this year is The Girl With Salem In Her Eyes by Ann Marie Eleazer

Authors That You’ve Recently Found And Would Like To Read More Of In The New Year?
I recently discovered Darcy Coates thanks to a horror FB group and would love to read more of her books.

Most Anticipated Book Turned Movie/TV Show?
Ehm, none? I honestly don't keep track of books turned movie/TV show.

Name A Character That You Wouldn’t Mind Sharing A Kiss With At Midnight?
Alright, I might be weird, but I'm answering Dracula for this one.

How Many Books Do You Hope To Read In 2023?
I hope to read 100 books in 2023.

Will You Participate In The Goodreads Reading Challenge Or Any Others?
I'm planning on participating in the Goodreads reading challenge, but apart from that, I haven't quite decided yet.

Any New Year’s Resolutions?
Nope, I honestly don't bother with New Year's Resolutions as I think they're a waste of time.

Also, if you want to do this tag, consider yourself tagged.


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