Book Tag; The School Days Book Tag

I came across The School Days Book Tag over at What Victoria Read and decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag to do.

The idea of this tag is that you do the 'Times Of Day' questions and then choose any of the 'Subject' questions that seem interesting to you!
Pick and choose as many as you'd like and do them in any order - just have fun!

Times Of Day:
First bell: Tell us about the book that first got you into reading!
I honestly can't quite remember the first book, but I did enjoy Roald Dahl books as a kid.

Break time: Which book have you most recently had to take a break from or DNF?
The Institute by Stephen King

Lunch time: Tell us about your favourite book that features food!
Chocolat by Joanne Harris.

Final bell: Which book have you most recently finished reading?
Killing Trail by Margaret Mizushima

Homework: What was the last non-fiction book that you read and enjoyed?
Last Stop Auschwitz by Eddy de Wind

Staff room: Tell us about a book that you go to when you need to take a breath!
She's Magic & Midnight Lace by Anne Marie Eleazer

English: Tell us about one book you studied at school AND recommend one book that you would like to add to the curriculum!
I did study Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë at university (I still dislike Heathcliff) and I would love to add Bram Stoker's Dracula to the curriculum.

Maths: How do you rate your books?
From one - it's so crappy it shouldn't have been published, to five - it's REALLY amazing.

Science: Which book couple do you think has the best chemistry?
Honestly not sure, perhaps Molly and Arthur Weasley.

Geography: Describe a book that had a strong sense of place or great world building.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness.

History: Which three historical fiction novels have you most enjoyed? And if you don’t read historical fiction; which areas of history would you like to learn more about?
A Pair of Silver Wings by James Holland
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead
I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem by Maryse Condé

Religious Studies: Which book is the one that you always come back to?
Bram Stoker's Dracula

PE: Show us the biggest book on your TBR!
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Music: Which reading format do you think has the best rhythm for reading?
For me, it's physical books, but for someone else, it could be a different format.

Drama: Which book do you think has the best ending?
I'm honestly not sure as there's so many good ones.

Art: Show us three books that you think have the best covers!
The Vine Witch by Luanne G. Smith

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

Opium and Absinthe by Lydia Kang

Modern Foreign Languages: Recommend a translated book that you enjoyed!
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo


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