Book Tag; The School Book Tag

I came across The School Book Tag over at The Book Dutchesses and decided to play along as it looked like a fun tag.

Biology: A book I would like to dissect.
The Haunting of Las Lágrimas by W. M. Cleese

Chemistry: A book I really bonded to.
She's Magic & Midnight Lace by Ann Marie Eleazer

Literature: A book that should be a modern classic.
The Story So Far by Jane Eklund

Algebra: A book that has two characters that equal perfection.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

Music: A book that reminds me of a song.
Blood Countess reminds me of the song "I Want My Innocence Back" by Emilie Autumn.

P.E. A book I raced to the finish with.
Juliet Takes a Breath by Gabby Rivera

Physics: A book with a lot of potential.
A Class of Conjuring had lots of potential, but was in desperate need of an editor.


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