Book Tag; Spring Cleaning Book Tag

I came across the Spring Cleaning Book Tag created by Fictionally Sam and I decided to participate as it looked like a fun tag to do.

Tag rules
Link back to the original post
Tag as many friends as you want
Have fun!

The Questions
1. Getting started: A book series you’ve been wanting to read
The Raven Rings by Siri Pettersen

2. Cleaning/organizing the closet: The best way to organize books
Personally, I don't think there's a right or wrong way to do things, but personally I've organised my books by read/unread, as well as genre/topic and piled books by the same author together. I tried sorting the books alphabetically within genre, but as I've got so many books, I gave up after a while (my shelves are overflowing).

3. Getting rid of unnecessary things: Book/series you no longer need
I'm pretty sure I don't need all the course books from university, but so far, I can't make myself get rid of them.

4. Get some air: Your favorite light-hearted read
The Little Bookshop of Love Stories by Jaimie Admans

5. Clean out the kitchen cupboards: Favorite food-themed read
Chocolat by Joanne Harris

6. Dust the shelves: What’s the fifth book on your bookshelf?
Dead of Winter by Anders de la Motte

7. Wishing for the end: A 2022 release you’re really excited about
One for All by Lillie Lainoff

8. Long but satisfying: The longest book series you’ve read
That must be the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling

And if you want to do this tag, consider yourself tagged.


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