Book Tag; The Spring Book Tag

I came across The Spring Book Tag over at A Little But A Lot and as it looked like a fun tag, I decided to participate.

The Questions

1. What's on your spring TBR?
As I'm a bit of a mood reader, I don't like to plan too much, but I'm thinking of reading a few books by Asian authors.

2. If someone asked you for a spring release recommendation, what would it be?
As I haven't read any spring releases, I'm struggling to answer that question.

3. Which two books coming out before summer are you eagerly awaiting?
The Hob and Hound Pub by Seana Kelly and Give Up the Ghost by Angie Fox

4. Which character would make a great Easter bunny?
Either Luna Lovegood or the Weasley twins from the Harry Potter series.

5. What book makes you think of spring?
Toxic Toffee by Amanda Flower

6. Name a cover with flowers on it.
Matchmaking Can Be Murder by Amanda Flower

7. Which two characters would you go on a Easter egg hunt with?
Sophia and Constance from Cinderlla is Dead by Kalynn Bayron

8. What is your favourite bookish spring activity?
Take a book outside and read.

9. Which book did you enjoy that has a spring-like cover?
A Fatal Yarn by Peggy Ehrhart

10. Who is your favourite contemporary author?
It's hard to choose just one, but Rosanna Ley is one of several favourites.


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