Book Tag; Dark Academia Book Tag

I came across the Dark Academia Book Tag created by CarolynMarieReads and * e m m i e * over at Leigh Hecking. As I've got a weak spot for dark academia (I even had it in mind when planning out my living room in my house), I honestly couldn't resist doing this tag.

What is your favourite “academia” or “dark” book + movie?
Dead Poets Society

What dead poet would you like to have a drink with?
Edgar Allan Poe, no doubt.

What is your favourite painting and/or sculpture?
Self Portrait Wearing a Velvet Dress by Frida Kahlo

What is your favourite architectural marvel?
How can I just pick one? I'll say Colosseum in Rome, Italy and Neuschwanstein Castle, Schwangau, Germany.

What Shakespeare play would you want to be the lead in?
Anthony and Cleopatra

How many languages do you speak and which language would you most like to learn?
I speak 6 languages, but would love to learn Hebrew and/or Romanian.

What is your favourite quote (from poetry, prose, plays, etc.)?
"For as long as she could remember, she had thought that autumn air went well with books, that the two both somehow belonged with blankets, comfortable armchairs, and big cups of coffee or tea."
(Katarina Bivald - Readers of Broken Wheel Recommends)

Which fictional character’s death is your ideal way to go?
The way as Sirius Black.

What university/college would you most like to attend?
Trinity College, Dublin (Ireland).

What is your murder weapon or murder method of choice?
Well, nothing wrong with swords and axes.

What mythology would you most like to a part of?

If you had to do a PhD, what would you choose to do it on?
That's easy to answer, literature. I've already got a major in English when I got my BA degree (with a minor in history).

Which fictional character would you die for?

Leather bound or cloth-bound books?
Leather bound

Dog-earing pages or highlighting pages?
Highlighting them.

Sculptures or paintings?

Piano or violin?

Films of Theatre?

Poetry or prose?

Museums or bookshops?

The smell of books or the smell of coffee/tea?

Fountain pen or typewriter?

New or used books?
Used books.


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