Let's Talk Bookish; How Do You Create Bookish Content?

It's Friday and time for another Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Eternity Books and Literary Lion. The question of the week was "How do you create bookish content?".

As I post a blog post once a day, it means I need to create lots of content throughout the year and I've written and scheduled posts often WAY in advance (often months) and I have four "main categories" of blog posts, in which I will list below.
  1. Weekly or monthly features/meme, such as Mailbox Monday, Top Ten Tuesday, Let's Talk Bookish and #SixForSunday, in which I write and schedule as soon as there's new prompts and I see the prompts I want to participate in.
  2. Random themed lists/posts that I post when it's appropriate, such as a book recommendation post on books to buy at the "Mammutsalg" in Norway (the big annual book sale), books to read during Black History Month and so on as it would be odd posting any of it "out of season".
  3. Book reviews - I post them on the available days when I don't have any other posts scheduled.
  4. I recently wrote a four page Word document with various book blog prompt ideas for when I run out of ideas and/or want to write something else to spice things up a little bit.
Even if the list above may seem a bit elaborate, it's (for me) a rather flexible thing, so I can switch things around a bit if needed. I mainly post what I want to write about, so I don't think that much about whether or not the topic/post is too controversial, "out of date" and what-not. Sometimes it's needed to rattle the cage a wee bit in order to get the point across.

That said, of course reader interaction is a bonus, but it's not something that I have in the back of my mind every time I write a blog post, especially as I know the page views with go up and down from time to time.


  1. I really enjoyed reading your answer. I'm not creative enough to do #4 but I totally am with you on not caring if something is considered out of date or controversial.
    "I see the prompts I want to participate in." that really inspired me. If done top ten Tuesday and six for Sunday in the past, but find the posts quite time consuming and am not always inspired by the topic. I've always felt as though I have to be "in" or "out", either commit to them all or do none, which now seems really silly! I will revisit those sites for some future blog post inspiration.

    1. Thank you for your comment. :-)

      I totally get that not all Top Ten Tuesday/Six For Sunday prompts are inspiring for all, as not even I get inspired by them all. Feel free to revisit any of those sites if you want to. :-)

  2. Once a day is really active, I struggle with even five posts a week! I also envy your four pages of ideas!!

    1. I can't deny I'm a bit "crazy" for doing one post a day, but as I've binge read quite a number of books the last year or so, I had quite a few reviews to write.


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