Review; For a Good Paws by Linda O. Johnston

Last year I was fortunate enough to recieve an ARC of the cosy mystery For a Good Paws by Linda O. Johnston through Netgalley. I read it shortly afterwards and today I'll post my review.

Description from Goodreads
Barkery owner Carrie Kennersly follows the scent of murder to find the true culprit

When Carrie Kennersley, owner of a two-part bakery that serves tasty treats to both dogs and humans, learns that a local killer is being paroled, she worries that danger will come barking at her door.

Ten years ago, Mike Holpurn was convicted of murdering the first female mayor of Knobcone Heights. Now, shortly after his release, Holpurn puts the whole town on edge by yelling at the former mayor's husband, Henry Schulzer. After Schulzer is found dead, everyone assumes Holpurn is the culprit. But Carrie thinks there's more to the story, especially since Holpurn claims Schulzer was the one who really killed the mayor. Carrie is determined to uncover the truth, even if it means things will get ruff.

Includes recipes!

My Thoughts on the Book
This was just an okay book. I didn't care that much for the main character (Carrie) and I felt she didn't do as much investigating as other main characters in other cosy mysteries.


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