Let's Talk Bookish; Tracking Reading

It's Friday, which means it's time for a new Let's Talk Bookish post, courtesy of Book Nook Bits and the theme of the week was tracking reading.

Here's the further prompts.
Do you keep track of the books you read? If so, do you use Goodreads? Storygraph? Another platform? Has the way you keep track of your reading changed since you started blogging? What are the pros and cons of tracking your reading?

Personally, I track my reading with Goodreads, even though I'm tempted to jump over to Storygraph, but haven't made the plunge yet. Storygraph seems a bit neat with the graphs and such and some different things than Goodreads (as well as NOT having that link with Amazon).

When I first started blogging, I also used a Norwegian website called Bokelskere, but as I had to manually add the majority of the English books I read, I found it a bit too much of a chore being both places, so I dropped the Norwegian one after a while.

I would say that the pros of tracking the reading is remembering what books I've actually read, as well as having a list/overview handy, in addition to check if I read enough diverse books and not "only" books by white, straight, middle-aged men.


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