Book Blitz; Relevations av T. Marie Alexander

by T. Marie Alexander
Release Date: January 27th 2017

Summary from Goodreads:

Have you ever craved something so badly that all reason was just an excuse getting in your way?

Have you needed something so desperately that you didn’t care how you got it or who you hurt in the process?

I have—and not that long ago.


Acceptance… from family and friends…

Acceptance of the person I am inside and not outright rejection.

It didn’t come easily for me, and now I believe the world needs to know just how ruthless life can be. How that overwhelming yearning for acceptance can mold you into someone you don’t recognize when you look in the mirror. I’m through hiding behind one façade after another—it’s time for the world to meet the real me.

~Antoinette Justice

Pre-Order Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes

About the Author
Hi! I’m La’Teaikia, and I write YA Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Romance. I’ve been an avid reader since ninth grade when I first discovered Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight. I know, I know. Most people think sparkly vampires are just wrong. I am NOT one of those people.
Even though I’ve only been reading for a short time, unlike most authors, I’ve been writing since I was seven. And before you ask, that was fifteen years ago.
To me, everything have to be perfect, which is why it has taken me so long to publish my debut novel, Zola Flash. I tend to plan out and list everything. My husband think it’s excessive.
So with that being said, here are a few things you should know about me, other than what I’ve already said.
I live in the lonely state of Arkansas. I plan to move as soon as I complete my graduate degree, preferably someplace where Taylor Swift tours.
If you didn’t get the hint from my first point, I’m a HUGE Taylor Swift fan.
When I’m not reading or writing, I’m designing clothes and handbags and watching Doctor Who.
I’m a kid at heart. I love Barbie Movies. I love watching Disney Channel. However, them thinking that every movie they come out with needs to be a musical is a bit much.
Chocolate is my life. I’ll eat anything with chocolate . . . well, maybe not anything.

Author Links:
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