Book Blitz; Alterations av Stephanie Scott

by Stephanie Scott
Genre: YA Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 6th 2016
Bloomsbury Spark

Summary from Goodreads:

If anyone saw the prom boards Amelia Blanco makes on her favorite fashion app, they'd think Ethan Laurenti was her boyfriend. They wouldn't know that all the plans she's made for them are just dreams, and that she's the girl who watches him from the kitchen while her parents cook for his famous family.

When Amelia's abuelita enrolls her in a month-long fashion internship in NYC, Amelia can't imagine leaving Miami--and Ethan--for that long. As soon as she gets to New York, however, she finds a bigger world and new possibilities. She meets people her own age who can actually carry on a conversation about stitching and design. Her pin boards become less about prom with Ethan and more about creating her own style. By the time she returns to Miami, Amelia feels like she can accomplish anything, and surprises herself by agreeing to help Ethan's awkward, Steve-Jobs-wannabe brother, Liam, create his own fashion app.

As Liam and Amelia get closer, Ethan realizes that this newly confident, stylish girl may be the one for him after all . . . even though he has a reality TV star girlfriend he conveniently keeps forgetting about. The "new and improved" Amelia soon finds herself in between two brothers, a whole lot of drama, and choice she never dreamed she'd have to make.
About the Author
Hello! I write Young Adult stories about teens who put their passions first. I'm an active member of Romance Writers of America and its online YA chapter YARWA, and I mentor writers in online pitch contests. I love dance fitness and cat memes, and Pinterest is driving me broke. I live outside of Chicago with my tech-of-all-trades husband. You can find me most often online on twitter and Instagram at @StephScottYA. My debut ALTERATIONS about a fashion-obsessed loner who reinvents herself releases 12/6/16 from Bloomsbury Spark, and I'm a contributor to the young adult short story anthology WELCOME HOME out in spring 2017.

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