Top Ten Tuesday; Ten Fantasy Books I LOVED With Fewer Than 2000 Ratings On Goodreads

It's Tuesday, which means it's time for a new Top Ten Tuesday post, courtesy of That Artsy Reader Girl. The theme of the week was ten books I loved with fewer than 2000 ratings on Goodreads and I decided to narrow it down a bit further with focusing on fantasy novels.

My picks are;
Scales by Amity Green

Murder in Absentia by Assaph Mehr

Wytchfire by Michael Meyerhofer

The Twistrose Key by Tone Almhjell

The Laird of Duncairn by Craig Comer

Thread of a Spider by D. L. Gardner

Tompkin's School for the Extraordinarily Talented by Tabi Slick

Romanov by Samaire Provost

The Dark Realm (Feyland #1) by Anthea Sharp

Endangered by Dani Hoots


  1. Thread of a Spider does sound interesting.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. Thread of a Spider was actually a bit interesting. :-)

  2. All new to me books in your TTT post this week!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post:

  3. I adored Romanov too!!! So glad to see it on someone's list. There are a lot of good titles on here and books that I'm definitely going to have to look into, so thank you for sharing!

    1. Nice to see I'm not the only one in regards of Romanov. And feel free to check out some of the other novels. :-)


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