Mailbox Monday Week 29

It's been a while since I wrote the last Mailbox Monday post, so I decided to write one today, thanks to the blog with the same name. Here's some of the books I've recieved in the mail in tha last couple of months.

En muslimsk mors kamp by Azra & Maria Gilani (press copy from the publisher)

Høstlandskap i Havana by Leonardo Padura (press copy from the publisher)

Bonsai by Alejandro Zambra (press copy from the publisher)

Menssmerter by Kopano Matlwa (press copy from the publisher)

Gildra by Hilde Susan Jægtnes (press copy from the publisher)

Den polske bokseren by Eduardo Halfon (press copy from the publisher)

Trikset by Emanuel Bergmann (press copy from the publisher)

De tapte barna by Rosanna Ley (press copy from the publisher)

Håpet - 1787-1825  by Mich Vraa (press copy from the publisher)

Persepolis I and II by Marjane Satrapi

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

RAF 100 by James Holland

The Secret by Katherina Diamond

You by Caroline Kepnes

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stane by J. K. Rowling

Bjørnejegerskens bekjennelser by Berit Hedemann (press copy from the publisher)

Djevelens rytter (Den siste vikingkongen #2) by Jan Ove Ekeberg (press copy from the publisher)

The Lotus and the Storm by Lan Cao

Death by Dumpling by Vivien Chien

Gutten som elsket rådyr av Samuel Bjørk (press copy from the publisher)


  1. Replies
    1. I've read a bit of it and so far, so good. :-)

  2. Some of those covers drew my attention. You have several here that I am interested in...You is one.
    Thanks for linking to MM.
    Happy Reading!

    1. Thanks for the nice comment and thanks for hosting such a fun feature/meme. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. I've finally read it and it's fair to say I liked reading it.

  4. Welcome Back.

    ENJOY your books.

  5. You is a favorite of mine. Creepy! I loved it.

    1. I've seen so many loving it, that it got me a bit curious.


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