Book Blogger Hop; Do You Review All the Books You Read?

It's Friday and time for a new Book Blogger Hop post, courtesy of Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "Do you review all the books you read?".
In my case, I review all the books I read. It means I might give a less than totally raving book review, but I can't enjoy ALL the books I read.


  1. Very true. Although I try to only pick up books I expect to enjoy, you do get some that don't appeal to you in the end.

    1. I totally agree. Sometimes we pick up a book we may not like as much as we thought.

  2. I am the same way with the books I read for myself (as opposed to those I read with my daughter, which I don't always review). Sometimes it means I end up writing a less than favorable review. I am generally good at selecting books I will enjoy, but it doesn't always work out.

    1. It doesn't always work out for me either and I think there's several of us out there.

  3. Same here! :) Sometimes my reviews are long, but sometimes they're just a few sentences.

    1. Sometimes just a few sentences are enough. :-)


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