Book Blogger Hop; How Do I Organize My Books For Review?

It's Friday again, which means it's time for a new Book Blogger Hop post thanks to the blogger behind Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. The question of the week was "How do you organize your books for review? Does it work for you or have you had to change it?".

Personally, I sort the books by urgency/priority. The rough draft looks something like this;
1. Book blog tours
2. Library books
3. Advanced reading copies
4. Reading challenges
5. Various books that doesn't fit any other category

It's a somewhat flexible way of doing it and I can tweak it as I go, depending on said urgency, so I don't need to panic too much, but of course mishaps do happen from time to time.


  1. It's always interesting to see how many different ways people try to do the same thing:-)

  2. I do like the categorising, I don't really do mine on paper but in my head it's pretty similar to yours but I put my ARC before my library books. You've inspired me to write it down.

    Angelica @ Paperback Princess

  3. I'm similar. I organise on deadlines first, then as the mood takes me with bought copies.

  4. Your ways of categorizing make sense. In my life outside of blogging (I'm currently only reviewing books I self-select) I'm very much into prioritizing. Happy reading!

    eli @ the (book) supplier
    My Blogger Hop Answer

    1. Gotta love organizing. Happy reading to you too. :-)

  5. Very nice categorizing and organizing.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. This is a really good way of organising your books to review! You're able to actually plan out what you have to read and by when and prioritise them so you don't get overwhelmed. Very well thought out. Thanks for sharing your answer!

    Feel free to check out my Book Blogger Hop answer here! :)

    1. Trust me, I can get a bit overwhelmed at times just by the sheer number of books I want/need to read. :-P


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